The Good Letter

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"He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the Lord!"

Psalms 113:9 (English Standard Version)


Dear First name / Friend


How have you been? Can't believe it's been a month (and a week) since I last wrote you! I'm so glad you enjoyed last month's letter, the replies were as funny as the actual story. Thank you for making me laugh.


Don't forget, you can always forward Good Letters to your friends, so they can enjoy the laughter and encouragement too.




For the past few weeks I've been thinking of what I'd write to you and honestly my mind has been blank. I've been asking God, “What would you like me to tell First name / my friend this month?” I knew it was something to do with motherhood, especially as it's Mother's Day in the UK today, but honestly I've struggled to find the right words to share; had I written this letter on paper, I would have torn and thrown away so many sheets by now.

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Initially, I wanted to write something about a few conversations I've had recently on motherhood, but my words weren't landing. As I've kept writing, only to delete paragraphs, I hear God telling me to keep it simple.


Happy Mother's Day

to my Mum,

my Grandmother,

my Aunts,

my Sisters,

my Cousins and



To the mothers who receive this letter - have an amazing day. Enjoy your home and allow your children to spoil you. Please stay away from the kitchen (if you can help it).


To the expecting mothers - put your feet up, rest well, and pray for the little human(s) in there. Ask God, that your child(ren) will come to know Him in all His splendour and love. I also pray that you'll deliver safely.


To the women waiting and wanting to become mothers - may you experience the gift of motherhood, in the way God has designed for you. May the children you care for, biological or not, fill your life with joy and laughter. May you always be reminded of God's goodness when you see their faces.


To the women doing it alone - The LORD is your strength. It's not cliché, it's the true. He will keep you and bless you. He will pour out His wisdom on you, He will send you help from His throne and help from His people.


To the women like me, unsure of what the future holds, trust God. Don't stop trusting Him; He knows you better than you know yourself.


To the children, who for whatever reason are without a mother today, may you find peace in God's arms, may He heal you and comfort you.


To the children with mothers, be gracious and be kind. Love your mum, she doesn't have all answers, and she isn't perfect, but God saw fit for her to be your mother. With gratitude to God, celebrate your mum.


To all of us, enjoy this Mother's Day in hope, and with love and if it's not Mother's Day where you are, snooze this letter for the specific date and read it again then.


To all our mothers, may your children stand and call you blessed. (Proverbs 31:28)

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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Wande’s First Born,

Olayide M.


P.S. Say Happy Mother's Day to a friend, by sending them this letter. ❤️


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