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february hours

Tuesday-Friday: 9-5:30pm Saturday 9-2pm Sunday-Monday: CLOSED

Garden Freeze Alert + Firewood

Water plants & trees before the hard freeze to protect the roots from damage.


Apply two inches of mulch to prevent damage to the roots of trees, shrubs, and perennials plants.


Use a frost blanket to cover any tender plants. We have multiple sizes in stock.


We are dwindling down on firewood. Check out our website to view a list of all available varieties & prices.


Valentines Day is quickly approaching! We have created a gift guide to show some of the popular items that your special someone will love!


Valentines Day Gift Ideas




My absolute 
favorite gift that takes the guessing out of giving. 


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If you have questions, feel free to reply to this email. 

See you soon,


Caitlyn & the Crew


We collect and reuse rain water!

2012: 108,665 gallons

2013: 108,696 gallons

2014: 123,193 gallons

2015: 181,051 gallons

2016: 123,879 gallons

2017: 141,951 gallons

2018: 106,330 gallons

2019: 139,057 gallons

2020: 85,762 gallons

2021: 2,813 gallons
