Them: “How you do that?”


Lil' MoonBabe

I made a breakthrough, y’all. Internal, but HUGE. I felt...wait for it...

I felt sadness in my body.

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Grief is not new to me, but I am beginning to understand how it manifests in my body and what it looks like on me. I know what sadness looks like on other people, and I’ve heard people talk about being sad, but it’s been about 14 years since I legit felt the feeling of sadness. Scratch that...since I’ve felt something.


I know what it’s like to love radically, and I know the feeling of great loss. In between that, it’s like I’ve been numb while waiting to feel one or the other again. I’ve had great anxiety about people close to me passing since my father passed in 2001, and my brothers were killed in 2006. It’s funny, because the day before my mom died, I told my friend, “2020 can do whatever the fuck it wants, just please don’t take my mom.” And then BOOM...the next day. That was the next BIG moment I was anxiously waiting for.


Divine timing is everything. My mom passed while my sister and I were visiting her for a couple of days. We got there the night before, she had a heart attack that next evening. I couldn’t have imagined receiving that phone call, so I’m grateful that I was there in those moments. Since then I’ve been in GET SHIT DONE mode, because you realize life goes tf on.

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So grieving. How tf do you do it? There is no right or wrong way. It just happens. Grieving happens to the body as much as the mind and soul. It’s a detachment that you either prepared for, or snatched ya whole wig, edges included.


Stages of grief for me looks like:

  1. Disbelief. You be like, “For real, Spirit????” Yall should’ve seen my ass yelling at the universe. Certified nut job.
  2. The audacity of the individual to depart this plane without notice (not even a 2 week). My divine team notified me, but I didn't think within that year. I also didn't believe it…
  3. Checking the messages and voicemails (honestly you never forget what they sound like)
  4. Missing the physical presence (cause wtf?)
  5. Feeling feelings................(woooo chilé) I be cryyyyyyinnnnggggg…in the comfort of my own room…with the door closed. Thugs cry, too.

I’m in the feeling feelings phase. Y’all I felt sadness, and I’m so happy to feel something other than the numbness I’ve felt for a long time. I know that I'm alive. I have the opportunity to work through some shit and learn about myself.


The ascension of my mother’s spirit also offered me a different perspective on death. These tragic moments happen to deepen my understanding of life and death. There’s a blessing in every lesson. I promise you that. The lesson is the blessing at times, too.


I can go on and on about this topic, so we’ll do it in doses. Until next time…


See y’all on the Full Moon 🖤

-P from the Block

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This retrograde came through like a thief in the night.

*clenches butt cheeks*

Moon Meditation


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You feel that second wind? Like something is about to breakthrough?

If not, I'm sharing these vibes with you.


All you need to do during this season is glide. Let the wind blow you wherever you need to go. There are new opportunities with each gust of wind…and you're in place to receive.


Take in a huge inhale, and let that exhale elevate you to the next inhale. Your breath is forever evolving. With each inhale you take in a new experience, it's an opportunity to expand the body. Those exhales are the release and processing of whatever journey that inhale brought you through. Then you do it all over again.

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I teamed up with my friends over at Moyo's Essentials to give you a Valentine's Day joint.

For my singles, couples, and side pieces.

Get your lovin' on!

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