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february hours

Tuesday-Friday: 9-5:30pm Saturday 9-2pm Sunday-Monday: CLOSED




Plan It Out

The first thing you have to do is decide what you want to plant! After deciding this, you have to know when to start each vegetable. We have a neat tool at the greenhouse that allows you to determine the right time to plant based on the timing of our average last freeze date. (4/15)


Get Dirty 

Once you have figured out what it is you’ll be planting, choose the containers that best fit the space you have to work with. There are several options for starting your seeds inside. We offer seed starting kits, growing pots, and seed cell trays.

Once you’ve decided what to grow in, you’ll want the right soil to work with as well. We carry many products from Ocean Forest, Happy Frog, Fertilome, and have specific seed starting soil. Once the dirt is in place, you are ready to get started. Check your seed packets for the correct planting depth. As you plant, be sure to label what you put where. Every plant requires different care, so you don’t want to be giving the wrong kind to the wrong plant!


Heat & Water

Seedlings need plenty of moisture. Just remember, “If it dries, it dies!” We carry domes to provide a way to keep moisture and humidity trapped to create the desired greenhouse effect. Planting inside also comes with a lack of heat for the seeds to sprout and grow. If you don’t have a bright window to set them near, there are a few things you can use to supplement this. A portable grow light and a heat mat will help bring light and the needed heat for the seeds to sprout quickly.



Once you have started your seeds and they are growing vigorously, it’s time to put them outside. Use the chart on the back of the packet for help with these timings, but also be aware of sudden weather shifts. West Texas weather likes to throw one last freeze just when you think they're over. If this happens, there are tools to help insulate your plants from these cold snaps. See an associate for more information.

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Add a beautiful handmade pot  + a unique indoor plant to help ease “spring fever”.


In the Garden

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If you have questions, feel free to reply to this email. 

See you soon,


Caitlyn & the Crew


We collect and reuse rain water!

2012: 108,665 gallons

2013: 108,696 gallons

2014: 123,193 gallons

2015: 181,051 gallons

2016: 123,879 gallons

2017: 141,951 gallons

2018: 106,330 gallons

2019: 139,057 gallons

2020: 85,762 gallons

2021: 2,813 gallons
