Feb. 23nd, 2021

welcome to the unfolding, a bi-weekly(-ish) newsletter curated from the heart with reflections on living fully, offerings, and gems to witness.**  thank you for unfolding with me. ✨

view past newsletters here.

(7 minute read)

hey y'all! 


i heard this the other day and made me pause with curiosity:


“you can’t dominate people without separating them from each other and from themselves. the more people get plugged back into their bodies, each other, the more impossible it is to be dominated and occupied. […] how in our daily lives are we connecting in every single respect to ourselves and everything around us?” – Eve Ensler, Becoming Wise


Eve Ensler’s question made me think about playing and with-nessing. with-nessing as in being presently connected energetically to someone/thing in a way that can't be named. these two have been the connective tissue to my daily life. there’s something magical that happens in your body when you are filled with something playful like delightful curiosity with a friend while being while the warmth of the sun as it caresses your face. its the thing i have craved most and look for so often these days.


i admit though, some days i don’t find any level of either, and as i sit here i realize how muted those days are. those are the days i would say i’m not fully living nor am i in my body. those days i am at a loss for how to find any level of connectedness. what are those days and Ensler whispering to us about living fully?


i get this sense that this time is softly calling us to playfully shape-shift the ways we are with ourselves and with all things. living is different, connecting is different. different is asking us to revisit how we do living fully, connecting to all that surrounds us instead of expecting things to return to a level of “normal”. asking us not in a way that can be found in a framework or a life hack, but in being with – in being cuddled up with ourselves, in silly voice messages with your homies, in the lighting of a candle with/for a friend over the phone.


in doing so, i love the truth that says we become an impossible force that cannot be dominated or occupied. that my friend is a natural reclaiming. so play & connect anew!

self-practice: go to your bed or your couch and try to be with it in a way you never have before. play with the way you lean into it, all the poses y’all can strike. do you know how fun it is to roll your body on the edges of your bed?


alternative: grab a non-black or blue pen and paper. now hold it in your hand in completely different way, draw a sunny day. try writing your name while holding your pen with a different body part. breath, play, let it go.


reply to this email and let me know how it went for you!


new offering

ways for self-reflection, with-nessing, & resourcing

click on the titles or buttons to dive in!


Plotting the Seed to Fulfillment: the Zine version

officially open and inviting you in!

March marks the start of a new season for folks across the globe, Spring for the northern hemisphere and Fall for the southern. it's a perfect time to discover and plot the seeds for what will allow us to live fully in our own sense of fulfillment in the present moment. complete with written guidance, audio visualizations, and self-directed practices, plotting the seeds of fulfillment is a zine inviting you to connect to the power of your inner knowings and shape your fulfillment. #self-priced #downloadable

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beautiful things by others

experiences to get into & delight in!

- wed, FEB 24th! Playful Resilience is one way i keep play in my life! this free InterPlay session will be so delightful & open to all newcomers! #letsplay


- sat, FEB 27th - afternoon! the brilliant Toi Marie Smith is offering a 2021 update to her revolutionary workshop: Business Beyond Profit. The original change THE game for me and offered a new lens to how i “be in a business that honors people, history, and ourselves”. #dontwannamiss


- sat, FEB 27th - late afternoon! my gifted friend Brionna Ned is starting a series of workshops called A Date with Death. starting with the first this weekend on relationships, it'll be “working on identifying and completing unfinished but definitely dead RELATIONSHIPS.” #getintoit


- sat, FEB 27th - evening! the healer Liana Naima is offering a celebration/ ceremony around the Virgo Full Moon (evening). i went to the one for Leo moon & it was *chefs kiss. #bodyspirityum


& with that, may you be empowered always all ways.

yasmin đź’›

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are you ready to unlock your agency & live a fulfilling life?

here are some ways i offer to do so:


private one-on-one coaching!

a partnership with me in shifting towards the life you desire

free first discovery call - no strings attached.

sliding scale price based on privilege and financial status.

click here to learn more


plotting the seeds for fulfillment: a zine for solo self-discovery!

a zine crafted to help you discover and plot the seeds for what will allow you to live fully in your own sense of fulfillment in the present moment. 

complete with written guidance, audio visualizations, & self-directed practices. #self-priced #downloadable

click here to check it out.


**curious as to why I may have omitted capitalization? - lucille clifton inspired me.

"Standard English… is the language of conquest and domination; in the United States, it is the mask which hides the loss of so many tongues, all those sounds of diverse, native communities we will never hear...we create the ruptured, broken, unruly speech of the vernacular... There, in that location, we make English do what we want it to do. We take the oppressor’s language and turn it against itself. We make our words a counter-hegemonic speech, liberating ourselves in language.” - bell hooks taught me. & more here.
