
Weekly Newsletter

January 2020 vol. 1



New Year, New Flock

The group of 100 chicks we have in our brooder is almost ready to graduate to the chicken tractor. These chicks will be joining our flock of laying hens and boosting our egg production this spring. These chicks grow a lot slower than our broiler chicks - it's really interesting seeing the difference between meat and egg breeds. 


Our egg chicks are enjoying the warm weather - they almost have enough feathers to be outdoors fulltime.

Princess was a little concerned

and kept a close eye on the babies while they explored  today. 

Some of our 

older hens 

wandered by 

for a look 

but they weren't 

very impressed. 

This beast will be their next home - it will be our Egg Mobile once John is done upgrading it. I plan to call it the “Dixie Chicken”. We'll keep you updated on the progress and the chicks and their new home.  

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Pre-order only

PRE-ORDER ONLY Tuesday 4:30 - 5:30 pm. 


The regular market is closed - pre-order for pick up only. 


400 Immanuel Rd, Pflugerville, TX 78660

The Pflugerville Pfarmers Market will close for the year after Tuesday, Dec. 15th and not reopen until March 2021. Pre-order delivery will be available during the weeks the market is closed. 



The Elgin Farmers Market is a year-round market that will remain open every Thursday. Pre-orders are encouraged. 




The Taylor Farmers Market is a year-round market that will is open every Saturday. Pre-orders are encouraged. 

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Be well, 

stay safe,


John & Molly
