
Weekly Newsletter

March 2021 vol. 2



Here a chick,

there a chick…


Spring on the ranch means babies, and we've had our share the past month. Our newest batch of calves endured an icy first week, but the chicks will have a much warmer introduction to Amber Oaks. Broiler season has begun with our first batch of 200 chicks arriving this week. 

We love our chicks 

from So Big Farm 

and Hatchery!

There's nothing quite a soothing as the sounds happy chickens make; I especially love to listen to newborn chirps! Click the video below and enjoy a few mellow moments.

These cuties will be warm and safe in our indoor brooder for a few weeks before they graduate to the chicken tractors, one of which has just been vacated by our up and coming class of laying hens. These girls aren't laying yet, but they've taken up residence in the Dixie Chicken, our new and improved mobile coop. 

They won't be living in this coop full time, these girls will be free ranging all day returning to the Dixie Chicken for shelter each night. 


Taking a week off from the markets. See you soon.


Be well, 

stay safe,


John & Molly
