While living in LA, I changed my diet and perspective of my body – started taking care of myself – I was setting and dressing myself as an altar. It took one year later for me to notice that. I realized that when I moved back home, I kind of abandoned my altar and the accountability of self.
I didn’t really have a physical space of my own, so I started focusing on what I had…which was and will always be me. The clothes that I wore, the jewels that I rocked, the people in my circle, it all became pieces of me. Pieces of my personal altar. It all became sacred once it touched me, once it became a piece of me.
I took so much care of my altar that my energy began to take up so much space, and spirit made room. I was able to move into my own space and I was able to build another physical altar. I sat in front of that shit EVERY DAY!!! I fell off…then I got back on…and then I fell off…and the-- you know the deal. Then I moved into another spot, and my altar got larger - energy larger. I started to feed, give alcohol, and offerings - a reflection of self. Honoring the spirits and giving them energy to do what they need to do.
Again…I sit at my altar and say, “What do we need to do today?” Fresh water every day. Alcohol on a Monday. Take care of them as you do yourself.
If you're creating an altar for the first time, my advice would be to create a reflection of you and where you want yourself to be. Your altar can be a physical vision board. Your altar can be a place where you go to cleanse and recharge. It's all about the intention. You don't have to praise the spirits, or honor any deities, you just have to focus on you. You will attract all that you need. They will come to you in time.
I understand that what I do comes with great responsibility, I apply the wisdom I gain at the altar to that knowledge.