First face-to-face session in a year!


Dear First name / friend,

In today's newsletter:

📌Online vs. in person education

📌Birth psychology month-APPPAH Summit

📌Yabangee-a platform for expats

This month I am writing you with the excitement of the first face-to-face session in a while. That helped me to question once again the benefits of online sessions and the beauty of the sessions in person. 


In the previous months and year, I had the chance to work with couples around the world; France, Austria, England and around Turkey; Tekirdağ, Ankara... I think this is the biggest advantage of being online. 


Before the pandemic, I did only a couple of online sessions. I didn't prefer to do online and I never thought it could be a way of teaching. 


Now I see couples and I are enjoying online. It was only my prejudges about it, my mind was a drawback for not doing online sessions. This is interesting because that is actually what I teach in the sessions. The power of the mind and its importance for birth. It can stand as an obstacle for your birthing experience or you can use it in your benefit. If your mind is convinced, you can have a gentle birth experience as in my mind is convinced that online sessions are an opportunity to connect us around the world. I’m not saying online and face-to-face sessions are the same though. It felt great to have a session in person because you have a deeper connection there!


Now that a year has passed with the pandemic, I wonder what do you think about going online? Hit reply and tell me.

This month is ‘Birth Psychology Month'. One of the pioneer associations about birth psychology APPPAH (The Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health) organised a global summit for the whole month: ‘The Science and Mystery of the Womb, Prenatal Bonding for a Peaceful World’. It is a great opportunity to listen to many important speakers and see their approach and work. I try to attend every session and they give you 24 more hours for the replay incase you couldn't make it because of the time difference. A summit package is also available if you can't attend live. The sessions are not just for us birth workers but also expecting or new parents. If you would like to join or catch the replays, you can reach by clicking the link here.


Where ALL babies feel welcomed, seen and nurtured beginning in the womb.

Where ALL pregnant women feel fully supported throughout pregnancy, birth and the postpartum time.

Where ALL support members of the birth process are educated about the impact of pregnancy and birth throughout our lives."


This month you can find me in Yabangee website and instagram stories. Yabangee is a platform for expats living in Turkey. It is a great platform to discover all around Turkey and find about any service. Your can see me about childbirth education and have a look at the homepage. 





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