PERFECT FOR         A COLD                   WINTER'S                 NIGHT


Hello Again!


What a relief the snow has brought us, something different to talk about other than Covid and the latest numbers and rules, it can seem never ending at times.


Instead we are adventuring out with multiple layers, boots, hats and gloves.  Little ones are excited to see and play in the snow; my eldest and my nieces are posting pictures with the faces of their children full of wonder and delight as they marvel in the snow!


Oh I love a snow day, the quietness outside, the sparkle in the air, how every noise is muffled; and the crumple underfoot as your feet imprint on the untouched snow, brings such pleasure.  It never snows for more than a few days in the UK, certainly not where we live in the south east, by the sea.  I think that this is why I always welcome a cold snap in the winter.  I feel that good fortune has arrived, it  breaks us from those monotonous grey days and the constant rain so typical of England at this time of year.


Especially now, when we have nowhere to be, actually prohibited to go anywhere, except for a walk in the snow!  The sledge is out, and as the Banshee was at childcare this week, I had to use all my persuasive skills to encourage at least one of my children that they wanted a sledge ride.  Livvy’s mind was made up, she was absolutely not sledging with her mum, ‘I will be a teenager next month,’ she huffed, ‘was I insane?’


Jack had to work, apparently.  However the eldest said she would meet at the top of the road, if I bought a snack.  I said ‘yes’ I was desperate.  Can it really be this difficult to have some light hearted fun?


For accuracy's sake, I should perhaps point out that the snowfall is on the lightside; if I’m being honest it hasn’t even settled on the roads.  It is here nonetheless, lightly covering our gardens, cars and pavements; enough to make snow angels, build a snowman, snowball fights and even sledging!


After I come home I crack open a bottle of homemade mulled apple and warm it on the stove and whilst searching for hot chocolate I find a lost box of mince pies.  Truly, I feel full of joy.  Livvy is much better now and the relief turns into happiness and exhilaration on days like these.  I promise to myself that even if the rest of February is dreary, these past few days will get me to spring!


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Coming in from the chill, makes me want to cook and bake.  I have never baked so much in my entire life than in the past few months.  It is the third week of our Baking for Beginners and I have been making batches of cupcakes, whilst Livvy decorates them.  On top of that I’ve made scones and rock cakes.  I tell myself that in such cold conditions cake is essential.


Dinners have become more traditional too, reminiscent of what I would have as a child.  This is unusual for me, I love looking for new ideas and inspiration, yet right now there is something so comforting in cooking a meal that has no hidden surprises, I know that it will deliver just what I need.


Pies, roast dinners, toad in the hole, they are all making regular appearances.  This week, I thought I would share a toad in the hole recipe; this is a real family winning meal and I don’t say this often!  It is not easy keeping everybody happy, but this manages to do just that.  I serve it with mash potato and lots of vegetables, plus an onion gravy!


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The success to this meal is the temperature, you want your oven very hot, then a heavy baking tray (that will hold the heat and with deep sides too), once your batter is in the oven, do not open the door for 20 minutes.




8 sausages

Small bunch of sage

2-3 sprigs of rosemary


125g plain flour

275ml milk

3 large eggs

Salt and pepper


1 onion (thinly sliced, then quartered)

1tspn sugar (brown if you have it)

4tspns gravy powder



Oven pre heat to 220 Celsius, gas mark 7

Start by making your batter, sieve flour into a large bowl and make a well (dip) in the middle

Add your eggs and using a whisk, gradually incorporate the flour.

Then add your milk and whisk till you have a smooth batter.

Leave to one side


Add 2 tbsp of sunflower oil to your tray and add the sausages.  Place in oven and roast for 12-15 minutes until just beginning to brown.

Slice your onion and quarter

In a pan add a little oil, then add the onions and a sprinkle of salt and sugar, stir well and cook at a low heat till soft.  After about five minutes I add a splash of water and pop the lid on, (just stir occasionally so the onions don’t burn).


Now is a good time to get your potatoes on and vegetables too, peas work brilliantly, but I like to add another veg too, it always seems easier to persuade the vegetable adverse to finish their ‘greens’ when sausages are on a plate!)


Then add a little salt and pepper to your batter, give it a final quick mix, and pour all of it into a jug.


Carefully remove the tray from the oven, it will be very hot and the oil may splash, pour the batter around the sausages, quickly scatter a few sage leaves and small sprigs of rosemary and return to the oven immediately.

Bake for 20 minutes. (do not open the oven door)


Make your mash, for this dish I add very little in the way of butter or cream, just salt and pepper.


Five minutes before serving, make your gravy, I use gravy granules for this as I think onion gravy needs to be velvety.  Once your gravy is made, add it to your onions and stir in a sprig of rosemary.  Leave to sit until ready to serve.


After 20 minutes take your toad in the hole from the oven.  It should have risen around the edges and be golden brown in the middle.

This is a people pleaser dinner, I hope your family enjoy it as much as mine!


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If you ever miss a recipe, just send me a message here at or on instagram  and I'll re send or help you in any way I can - that's what I'm here for!


And when you cook, let me know with a tag or message, your photos always make my day.

Have a lovely weekend

Susan x



Goodies from the 'Gram... @susan_taylordavies
