I tell you there is always a blessing in the lesson, and a lesson in the blessing.
Detachment has taught me to manifest what I want. I’ll always want something greater, and I’ll never stop manifesting. I appreciate all of the things that I have created, and I continue to move through that to level up. If I stay attached to a scenario, I’ll never ascend through the plane. It’s nice to revel in something that I’ve been wanting for so long — but as a creator…there’s something else that can be added until it’s finished.
I think of detachment as an energy flow. That’s mental. “If I let this go, I will gain something!” Especially money. That’s how I began to level up with my numbers - I realized that it will always come to me, and the more I hold onto what was given to me, the longer I block what WANTS to come in. I grew up watching my single mother live paycheck to paycheck, and I began to develop some habits from what I saw. Within those habits I also learned some lessons by paying attention. Then I detached myself from the thought of me not ever having enough, mostly because I always have what I need. I put out more - I get more.
Never attached to what I have, because what’s coming is greater.