The gods of our own imagination

“I hit a home run. This is for you Uncle Harry in heaven!”

Who is Uncle Harry? Is he really in heaven? 


In a recent news report a Hollywood personality declared that her deceased son gave me a “sacred gift” with her recent recent pregnancy. A sacred gift!!! 


In the same report sequence we discovered that the original “mother” of the TV character, Dennis the Menace had died. 

“She’s flying now!” 


How easy it is to convince this generation that we can conjure up new gods of our own imagination!! The same ones who mock the Bible and want to “cancel” us because we obey it. 


At least we have a source for our convictions. A source that was written over thousands of years, by tens of authors, with surprising similar themes. We have not conjured up gods of our making.


They are simply pantheists. Be careful of substitutes.




