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Dear First name / friends,


Self-worth is developed from an early age. Books and toys have a role to play in that development.


This is why PPGJLI is not only passionate about diverse books but also about diverse toys.


The video below gives insight into the impact toys have on children.


We began the Black Doll Project in order to change what you are about to see.


With our Black Doll Project, when you purchase a doll, a doll is donated to a child in need.


Our first doll – Miss Freedom Fighter Esquire Doll comes as a supplement to the book, Justice Makes a Difference.


Nana means Queen or King in West Africa, Ghana. Each of the five Nana Dolls have been inspired by a historical queen.


You can meet them all below!


Save these dates!

Click the image to learn why.


p.s. This statewide giving campaign to support non-profits and schools across Minnesota ends tomorrow.  


Any gift no matter the size is greatly appreciated and helps us put new books in the hands of 200 children. 


Just click on GiveMN Spring Forward above to give a gift of literacy.


Changing the narrative, one doll at a time,

Dr. Artika R. Tyner
