A HUI HOU MĀKOU  | VOL.51 | 2021

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Dear First name / sweet friend


I wanted to write you a quick update to let you know that my online classes will resume 4.26 (and I'll be teaching in person with Lisa at Yoga On The Deck 4.24, see invite below, I hope I'll get to see you!).  


My Mother-In-Law passed away on Monday.  It was sunrise on the New Moon. My family is taking some time to process everything.  I wanted to share with you a quick saying that was read during her services (we shared a love of Hawaii with her) - a hui hou mākou means ā€œuntil we meet againā€.


I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon my friends.  

Thank you for your patience with me over the past few weeks, it means the world.





a hui hou mākou

Journal Prompt : what's on your mind?

Upcoming Events

use these journal prompts this week if they inspire you



Use your journal time this week to freehand what is on your mind :) 

I'll be back with journal prompts next week!




Join MoonRise Self Care for mini stay-at-home-retreat style weekly classes, special events & some socially distanced in-person events.


Each class comes with recommendations on how to set up your space for the ultimate relaxing self care experience.


Please reserve your spot for each class.

cOMfy at home <3


(virtual) YOGA ON THE DECK | Rails End Beer Co

WHEN : Saturday, April 24, 2021 10:30am MST

LOCATION : Rails End Beer Co, Broomfield, CO

INVESTMENT :  $20 (includes yoga + a free pint after class!)


Join Lisa Reeder of @wildsoulsyoga & Jenny White of @moonriseselfcare for a fun and uplifting yoga class. Hayden Reeder will be bringing the beats with a live DJ set.


ā€‹Together they will create an energizing experience that will leave you feeling amazing! You won't want to miss this!


(virtual) FULL MOON YIN YOGA w/ CRYSTALS | 60 min

WHEN : Monday, April 26, 2021 8:15pm MST

LOCATION : virtual

INVESTMENT :  pay what you can



The moon is our closest celestial neighbor and powerfully influences every living thing on our planet. Within 28 days, the moon passes through 8 phases, each with its own unique characteristics. The full moon is the middle of this cycle, and the time that we celebrate where we are at and release things that are no longer serving us.


Yin yoga is a gentle form of yoga, appropriate for any level, and the ultimate self care. In yin, we hold poses for longer amounts of time to allow gravity to take over, our parasympathetic nervous system to kick in gear, and calm in our mind and body.  It is TRULY the best hour of self care.


Tonight's practice will encourage you to tap into the energy behind this specific full moon in a way that serves your life.


Grab a crystal that is resonating with you this month and bring it to your mat if you would like! You can use it during your practice and set new intentions with it as a part of your full moon ritual.


(virtual) NEW MOON YIN YOGA w/ CRYSTALS | 60 min

WHEN : Monday, May 10, 2021 8:15pm MST

LOCATION : virtual

INVESTMENT :  pay what you can



The moon is our closest celestial neighbor and powerfully influences every living thing on our planet. Within 28 days, the moon passes through 8 phases, each with its own unique characteristics. The new moon is the start of this cycle, and the time that we set our dreams and intentions for the next month. Teamed up with the summer solstice, this month's new moon is a POWERFUL time to make time to dream and set intentions.


Yin yoga is a gentle form of yoga, appropriate for any level, and the ultimate self care. In yin, we hold poses for longer amounts of time to allow gravity to take over, our parasympathetic nervous system to kick in gear, and calm in our mind and body.  It is TRULY the best hour of self care.


Tonight's practice will encourage you to tap into the energy behind this specific new moon in a way that serves your life.


Grab a crystal that is resonating with you this month and bring it to your mat! You can use it during your practice and set new intentions with it as a part of your new moon ritual.


(virtual) YOGA ON THE DECK | Rails End Beer Co

WHEN : Wednesday, May 12, 2021 6:30pm MST

LOCATION : In-Person (north Denver outdoors) + virtual option!



Join Lisa Reeder of @wildsoulsyoga & Jenny White of @moonriseselfcare in a virtual women's circle experience curated for this specific month, inspired by nature and a unique intention.  We will practice grounding techniques, breath work and development of our intuition & personal experience all infused with yin yoga poses.  We will share space with each other to receive, connect and create


(virtual) AWAKEN AROMA YIN YOGA | 60 min

WHEN : Monday, May 17, 2021 8:15pm MST

LOCATION : virtual

INVESTMENT :  pay what you can

SUGGESTED BLEND : lemon, basil, spearmint


Yoga and aromatherapy have long been traditionally linked through the holistic medical system Ayurveda. Aromatherapy - like yoga - works on the body, mind and spirit. The beautiful impacts are felt both physically and emotionally. Breathing in essential oils stimulates areas of your limbic system, which is the part of your brain that plays a role in emotions, behaviors, sense of smell, and long-term memory. Aromatic botanicals are used to aid meditation and alter mood. Oils are used to heighten relaxation and relieve stress. Scent can create an environment that encourages particular moods - which further enhances your yin practice to a blissful level.


In tonight's class, I will offer you the opportunity to incorporate essential oils throughout your practice (using oils is not mandatory).



can't make class this week or want to plan ahead?

click below for a full list of the upcoming events




Did you know that MoonRise has a YouTube Channel? 

Please subscribe + turn notifications on so that you 

never miss a new release (more new releases coming summer of 2021)!




Missed an issue?  CLICK HERE for past Sunday Self Care 

Thank you for reading.  

I hope that this journal is a happy weekly love note in your inbox.

xo, jenny
