The Church is NOT a Gathering

It is hard to see this from the words so many of us use to describe church: 
Go to church. 
Worship in church. 
Like my church. 
Give to my church. 
Lead my church. 

While there may be nothing inherently wrong with these descriptions. They reveal a deeper challenge. The church is not a building, or a place, or a gathering of friends.

The church is a people, in relationship with God, and, from this, in relationship with each other, on mission for God and His gospel in every geographical and sociological dimension where He gives them opportunity and access.

So what’s the problem?

  1. The church as a gathering place has made us more sedentary. We have set up camp, enjoying the surroundings and waiting for eternity
  2. The world is deprived of God’s first and best strategy for telling His Gospel
  3. We have wasted money on places to “do” church. 
  4. We have lost sight of eternity
  5. We have ceased to live as sojourners. 
  6. We have left our children and grandchildren with a useless, programmatic expression of what we call faith. 

Watch out for substitutes!




