It's always ‘fun’ to be tootling along in a project, happy as a clam, and then get to the point where you need to order something only to find it out of stock. And then when you check in with your regional rep, find out we've got another national shortage on our hands.
This week? It's paint. Which, OOOF. Trust me, I'm as frustrated as you are.
But, then I remind myself that when the universe throws up a roadblock it's for a good reason. So I take a step back, evaluate the situation, and move forward from there. Patience is a fundamental tenet of any renovation, and I feel blessed to even be able to do what it is we do.
And frankly, right now is the BEST time to plan. Get all your ducks in a row, so you can jump as soon as things become available again. Then get the home you love and know that you made the right choices for you AND your house.