Weekend Rest + Reflect

Hello First name / my dear friend,


Thank you so much to everyone who sent me a response back to the last Weekend Rest + Reflect. I so appreciate the encouragement and the feedback that I got from you all. It was nice to have that interaction with you. I haven't been able to answer all the emails yet, but I am working on it for sure. I do have a couple of announcements before we get to this weekend's devo. 


First, this week was our She Chose Hope series! We had a wonderful guest writer who shared with us a post titled Finding My Worth in the Midst of Chronic Illness. You can read it here.


Second, do you remember how in the last Rest + Reflect, I shared that I had a writing project I was working on for a larger brand??? Well I can finally share that will you today! I have written a free 5 day devotional called God's Design For Community. In it, we are looking at the original form of community found in Scripture, the purpose of community, and what Christ-centered community can look like in our own lives. It can be found on the Faith Social app in the devotional section or click here. If you do check it out, let me know what you think!

Weekend Rest + Reflect

An Invitation To Stillness 

Whenever I sit down to think about what the Lord has been teaching me this week, there is one theme that keeps popping up in my heart: stillness. The truth is that in my humanity, my heart is often prone to restlessness.


I would love to be able to say that as soon as fear, anxiety, emotional triggers, and stress rear their heads in my heart that my absolute default is to go to the Lord and release it into His capable hands. But too often, I find myself doing anything and everything I can to get through it on my own and trying to be strong enough. Striving towards something I cannot do alone.


Does that sound familiar to you? If we are being honest, we all have heavy pain points in our hearts that we are trying so hard to unravel and overcome on our own. Some pain points are more tender than others. And we try to deal with it in our own strength and in our own way. Have you like me found yourself exhausted trying to carry the full weight of something you were never meant to carry alone?


If that's you today, I want to invite you to join me at the foot of the cross to lay it all down. To be still in the strength of the Lord. The truth is, we can be still and be at peace because while we will never be strong enough to endure the deep valleys on our own, we are not alone. We have our King Jesus who beacons us to come and lay our burdens down before Him and be still. He is more than able. He wants you to invite Him into your struggle and let him minister to and heal your heart. He will fight for you, you need only to be still.

  • "Fear not, for I am with you. do not be not dismayed, for I am your God;
    I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10, ESV)
  • “The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.” (Psalm 28:7, ESV)
  • "The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” (Exodus 14:14, ESV)


Rest in the truth that stillness is possible because He has taken care of every detail. He will fight for you. We can cease our striving because He is already working on your behalf. He loves you and has enough wisdom and strength to get you through this season (and all other seasons to come).


  • Are you currently striving instead of surrendering?
  • How does knowing that you can trust the strength and wisdom of the Lord to get you through this season shift your mindset?
  • What emotions or circumstances do you need God to move and work in?
  • Do you struggle with this idea of strength and surrendering over your circumstance to the Lord? Why or why not?

Listen to “At the foot of the cross” by Kathryn Scott here.

Pray with me

Abba Father, 

I come before you and I recognize that I have some things that I need to lay down before your throne because I have been trying to do it all on my own and in my own strength. My heart has been restless and my spirit is tired. But you, Jesus. You are strong when I am weak. You have overcome the world. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in my life right now. So God, I lift this up to you. I surrender my need to be in control or to have all the answers. I trust that you see my heart, you know my need, and that you will not fail to uphold your promises. I trust you and I love you, o Lord my Strength. 

In your precious name,



From my heart to yours,




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