A while back, during the week after my second vaccine, I wrote an email about how exhausted I was and what that meant for my work and life at the time. It just poured out of me. I really liked what I wrote. And then…I didn’t send it. (See above re: exhaustion.) As I read back through it, this is the part that stood out to me: |
I can see the incredible things I want to do, the bright vision I hold, the possibilities I so want to grasp and work with. There are workshops I want to create, email series I want to write and send, website updates I want to make, physical products I want to get into your hands, videos I want to record. I feel like I’m looking through a window at my energy, excitement, and dreams…but not able to reach out and touch them. |
I also talked a bit about why that felt true at the time—a multi-day headache (my body asking for rest and integration), my very real physical reaction to the second vaccine (I didn’t feel like myself again for a week and a day afterward), an intense full moon (in my rising sign), and so on. It’s interesting to look back at that time and see what has shifted since then. One of the biggest things is that I've realized I just need to focus on client work for now. I've been wanting and wishing to do more—and I believe I can, but not right now. It's been a relief to give myself permission to set some things down. I feel more clear and able to make progress on what's in front of me, which is not a gift I take lightly. Of course, I'm not alone in feeling that looking-through-a-window feeling, and it's something I think my clients often feel (though we've never put it into those words before). So I thought I'd share what helps me when I feel this way. Of course, sometimes feeling foggy or separate from my thoughts and ideas means I need a walk, a break, a rest, a cry, or something else like that. But so often, what really helps is having a friend to talk to who listens deeply, gives me space to really stretch out and explore, feels excited for me and my ideas, understands what it’s like to be stuck, and can offer ideas and perspectives if I ask for them. This magic of this type of conversation is multi-faceted. - I nearly always find clarity of my own simply by talking. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said some version of, “What I’m realizing as I say this is…” and gone deeper before my friend even responds.
- I get to hear my ideas reflected back to me by someone who’s not in my head and swimming around in all my personal doubts, fears, experiences, and narratives. Sure, they may have similar ones—and it’s so reassuring to hear, “I get it.” But they are able to look at all I’m sharing through a different lens, one that includes all their own experiences and wisdom. And often, they share observations, ideas, and resources I may not have considered or even heard about before.
- I get an infusion of energy from speaking and talking about my ideas. I often feel more excited to keep working and showing up for them after discussing them with a friend, rather than losing steam as I stay in my own head. And their excitement for me fuels my own.
- I get to hold both the big-picture vision and the immediate plan, and swim around in both, feeling the edges and layers. I can easily lose my energy if I plan things too far out ahead (I'm a Manifesting Generator), but when I can feel excitement and interest around a few immediate steps while grounding them in the context of a bigger vision, I'm often able to move forward more swiftly and use my energy in a much more sustainable way.
- And I know that if I get stuck, there’s someone out there who’s already up to speed on what I’m dreaming of creating and my thoughts around it. This shared understanding makes it pretty simple to ask for help (like, “Hey, I’m stuck on what to name this. Here are a couple thoughts. Anything stand out to you? Any other ideas?” Or “Could you read this and see if it sounds like what we talked about—or better?”).
I'm grateful to receive this kind of support, and also to offer it—because I just described what it’s like to work with me!
Each piece of what I just shared is something I know clients have experienced with me—finding clarity as they talk, feeling heard and having their ideas reflected back from a perspective outside their own, accessing fresh energy, getting out of their own minds, finding steps they feel excited to take next, and creating a shorthand with me so they can easily come back for more support in the future. So if you’re having the feeling that your dreams, your ideas, your path forward are on the other side of a window, and you'd like some help, I'm here for you. (I'm also great at bringing ideas to life! I can help with brainstorming, outlining, co-writing, polishing, and more.) If you're interested, you can respond to this email or book a time to talk with me about where you are and what you're looking for right here (with no pressure to work with me). Or if what I do sounds like something that would be supportive for a friend, I'd be so grateful if you shared my work with them! I'm wishing you lots of clarity and supportive moments this week. <3 |
I scribble down a lot of insights and questions for myself. I'll notice a pattern or a story arise, or a reflection question will come through, or I'll get a flash of how things could be (but aren't yet). I jot these down in one place, and then every now and then, I'll go through the list looking for patterns, connections, ideas to implement, and so on. But sometimes, a thought comes through that feels so immediately important that I want to see it every day, so I put it into my to-do app as a daily item. Then each day, I read it, and sometimes I'll journal, pull a card, or simply think about it as I move about my day. For a while, I've been thinking that these kinds of things might be interesting to you as well, so I'm going to share one today. It's about spaciousness. I haven't chosen a word of the year in a while, but the last one I chose was space. (I think this was in 2018 or 2019, but since time hasn't felt real for a very long time, I can't say for sure.) And really, I'm not done with this word yet. Creating space in my life, my day, my house, my schedule, my mind, my body…it's been a journey. But I'm really starting to see space open up in many beautiful ways. And I realized it feels uncomfortable! The part of me that wants to keep me safe and small wants me to rush around filling it instead of simply allowing it to be this beautiful new experience. So here are some questions I'm asking myself (thus far informally, but as I write this, I feel a journaling session and/or tarot pull coming on!): |
Where has space opened up for me? How can I get comfortable with this spaciousness? What is this space here to offer me? |
If you sit with these questions and want to share what comes up, I'd love to hear! You're always welcome to reply to these emails. <3 |