I was on a zoom call with the Scp Indian team yesterday and I was amazed and blessed.
Amazed and saddened at the depth of suffering going on in the nation. Even one of the leaders who joined us got up from his covid sick bed to join us! All of the various leaders on that call, and the different networks and places that they represent are suffering. Nearly all of them named out pastors who have died, leaving behind families to figure out how to survive.
As one leader says, “The pandemic is spreading in lightening speed. Unless God does something, the people cannot be protected”.
I was blessed because they have taken action. Daily, they are praying for and with people. Sometimes through home visits, sometimes through Zoom. They have also called their people to joint efforts of prayer.
I am blessed as well by the efforts that they are taking to alleviate some of the pain. This time, food is not so much the issue, as medicines, treatments and oxygen. Some of these things are the responsibility of the Government, and beyond the churches’ abilities. Indeed, some of the things needed are beyond our ability to supply. But, the items that they can supply, they are making available to all. Things like, vitamins, sanitizer, masks, etc.
In all of this, they have not ceased to declare the hope in the Gospel. And, people are responding and being baptized. One of them has been threatened with jail time for the numbers that he is baptizing!
What Can We Do: