Hi friends!


We have a short work week ahead for most of us as Ramadan comes to an end. Eid Mubarak to you all. I can imagine your wide smile as you come together for breakfast and have your first sip of coffee in the morning of Eid. 


Last week, I got my second vaccine shot (Sinopharm, if you are curious) with zero symptoms except for minor pain in my left arm where I took my shot. I encourage you to register for vaccine if you haven't already, what Adam Grant said here really convinced me to go ahead. 


A new podcast episode is coming out tomorrow, keep an eye on your favorite podcast platform.


What's happening in Palestine now is heartbreaking, and we need to speak up, this post will inform you how each one of you can contribute digitally. My dear brothers and sisters from Palestine I know many of you are reading this, we stand with you in solidarity. #PLM #SaveSheikhJarrah

Here is your weekly dose of The Sunday Spark ⚡ a newsletter listing 5 inspiring things I thought were worth starting your week with: 

  1. Calling all parents: I am enjoying this valuable (free!) email course by the best parenting coach I know Muna Shakour: 7 Days 7 Ways to a Calmer You add your email and start lesson 1 instantly.
  2. Try Power Hour: a way to get nagging tasks done by Gretchen Rubin
  3. A Delightful Encounter is what I call when favorite authors team up, here is my recent favorite:Virtual book launch with authors Jon Acuff and Greg McKeown.
  4. Whenever I find it difficult to write daily on my blog (3 months now đź’Ş), I read this post by Seth Godin: Talker's Block and it snaps me out of it immediately.
  5. This great quote also helps my writing. It's a mantra (or a Soundtrack as Jon says) you might want to consider:

"Take anything challenging in your life and think what would happen if you retired the frustration you have about it and instead replaced it with a soundtrack that said “light and easy.” 
From here on out, the writing process was going to be light and easy. That was the new soundtrack I was going to listen to"

― Jon Acuff

See you next Sunday, First name / my dear friend

Are you seeing this newsletter for the first time? here is the archive.


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Note: some of the links above may be affiliate links, but always keep in mind that I don’t endorse anything I don’t use and love myself. 



Have a Brilliant Week!




In case you missed these posts on Instagram…
