The Half  Nelson


Having you here
means a lot.


Hi friend! I want to take a moment to thank you for subscribing to 

The Half Nelson, which immediately made you part of  #LaFamilia. 

Que es #LaFamilia, you ask? 

Well, the real question is not “what is”, but WHO IS #LaFamilia?

#LaFamilia somos Tu. Yo. Nosotros.

(#LaFamilia is You. Me. Us.)


I’ve poured my heart and soul into every aspect of and it means the world to me to have your support. My website has had many iterations, as have I. And as I have finally settled into the woman I was meant to be (at this moment in space and time), so has The Full Nelson. But I could not have come to this place in life without your love and support, in some form. Knowing that I had you with me every time I revealed a new, not-so-pretty self truth, or pulled from my deep wellspring of emotion when discussing race, has oft times buoyed me when I needed it the most. For that I thank you, and I honor you. 


I hope that your time at The Full Nelson, helps you feel seen, heard, lends voice to the deepest parts of you, and buoys YOU when you need it most. 


Know that if you ever have questions—I’m only an email away.


Somos familia,



What you'll get in

The Half Nelson Newsletter


First To Know..



…All the secrets 

BEFORE they go live 


access to behind the 

scenes photo shoots 



Invites to private, COVID-safe events hosted by yours truly, ONLY for #LaFamilia


 …And exclusive discounts on merch & books and much, much more!

You'll also get some truths and insights like this…

Image 1

 … because that's how I roll.

It's not a monthly newsletter, or even a quarterly newsletter.

Es como la Alice in Wonderland of Newsletters.

(It's like the Alice in Wonderland of Newsletters)

It'll just pop into your inbox, seemingly out of nowhere and say


and you'll get all sorts of fun surprises!


So thanks for joining me! 

We're in for a wildly honest, hilarious, life-giving ride!


Psst…Idris says hello!




