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What a whirlwind couple of months its been! From getting fully vaxxed (yay science!), to getting a 2 week notice to move, to finishing the edits on my book, to planning, styling and shooting the cover for Ain't That A Mother! It's been BANANAS - and kinda out of my control! Pero en mi familia we have a saying - tu vida es lo que haces

Life is what you make it.


I'm a girl who likes to control my environment and all things pertaining to my life. That move was WAY out of my control. A flooded bathroom and black mold made the decision for me, and my perspective was…grim. Even though everything was miraculously falling into place to allow me “fall up” (nicer place, nicer neighborhood, separate office WITH A VIEW), all I could see was all the ways  didn't have a say or a choice in the matter. I kept thinking about how I'd been asking the universe to “enlarge my borders”, and this didn't feel like that at all. Then one day I used Google Maps to get across town and it gave me a very roundabout way to get there. Normally, I would look at that and say “F that - I'm gonna go my way”, but this time, for some reason I said “F it - I'll follow along. It's Sunday.” I let go of the control and just went the way of Google. And you know what? With every new turn I took, 

I saw the entire expanse of my city - from my car to Kingdom Come. 

“Enlarge my borders”

All I had to do was let go of control a little bit so I could see things I'd never seen, and realize that I truly have no borders stopping me. 

Metaphor for life? Maybe. 


I felt like my life was getting a little out of control, but when I let go, I made it beautiful. What have you been trying to control with all your might, that may actually be hindering you? Something to think about, Familia. 


Con amor, 


Check out what

the heck I've been up to!





And of course….


Idris says hello…


