Join us for the 5 Day “Girl, Let's Reach Our Goals” Masterclass for Parents & Young Women (13-19)


Never let the young women in your life struggle to strive again.  Let me show them my simple frameworks for shifting their mindset from negativity to productivity in 30 minutes per day - Starting June 21st. Register below! With Divine Mindset Coach - Pamela Simon!


Monday - Friday
5:00 - 6:00pm CST


What To Expect


Day 1:  What is mindset? - Jun 21 - 5:00 pm 

Day 2:  How to navigate mindset? - Jun 22 - 5:00 pm 

Day 3:  7 Success Habits - Jun 23 - 5:00 pm 

Day 4:  Time Management & Goal Setting - Jun 24 - 5:00 pm 

Day 5:  Body Positivity - Jun 25 - 5:00 pm 

Bonus Day - Q&A w/ Coach Pam - Zoom Meeting



Mentoring can help youth as they go through challenging life transitions, including dealing with stressful changes at home or transitioning to adulthood. Close, healthy, supportive relationships between mentors and mentees that last for a significant portion of time.

Benefits Include:  

  • Healthier relationships and lifestyle choices
  • Higher college enrollment rates and higher educational aspirations
  • Enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Improved behavior, both at home and at school
  • Stronger relationships with parents, teachers, and peers
  • Improved interpersonal skills

Per Youth.Gov -


Pam Simon


I'm Pam, a Teen Mindset Coach that has been helping and mentoring for over 20 years. l have a Bachelor's Degree in Educational Psychology, and I have previously worked as a Case Manager at a group home for teens. I have had a passion for helping teens since before college. My mission for Divine Mindset is to help empower teen girls age 13-19 through building three foundational traits (self-acceptance, self-esteem, and confidence) to help them break through their fears and find their voice.
