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The Constellation ๐Ÿ’ซ 

your Cosmic Update

Happy Sunday, First name / friend!


It's trueโ€ฆthe planets are making some big moves this week, including Saturn stationing retrograde today, Mercury stationing retrograde Saturday, and the first eclipse of the season ๐Ÿ˜ฏ


There aren't a lot of daily transits to follow, but your goal this week is to align with these energies that are asking you to slow down, reflect, and let go of anything that's not working for you. This isn't a week to be fearful or blame everything on the transits, it's a chance to work with their power!


Even thousands of years ago, people recognized the absolute power of the heavens just by watching a planet move backward in the sky or the light of the moon or the sun go dark. These planetary movements may no longer be a mystery to us, but they are still just as significant and powerful.


Astrology isn't fortune telling ๐Ÿ”ฎ, but it does give us the ability to see what energies and patterns lay ahead. It's our cosmic compass, giving us the opportunity to prepare, plan ahead, and make informed choices when a powerful transit crosses our path.


This is one of those weeks that brings intensity with it. Depending on where the transits take place in your chart, you may feel that intensity yourself or see it affecting people around you. Either way, just by reading this little newsletter, you're ahead of the curve and a step ahead, and I'm here to tell you that you've got this!


Keep reading to learn more about this week and the ways I can support if you feel like you need a little bit of extra guidance ๐Ÿ˜˜ 

xx Lynnette


Astro Insights

Week of May 24th


This week's transits will be felt most if you have planets in Gemini, Sagittarius or Air or Fire signs


If you have any planets at 5ยฐ or between 22ยฐ and 24ยฐ in your chart these transits will light them up this week  ๐Ÿช


If you don't have your natal chart, check out this video that shows you how to download yours for free!



๐Ÿšจ Important Eclipse Alert! ๐Ÿšจ


May 26: Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius ๐ŸŒ’


Did you know there are eclipse seasons? And that every season has at least two and sometimes three eclipses? We're entering our first eclipse season of 2021 on the Sagittarius-Gemini axis, and the lunar eclipse (where the Earth's shadow will cross the light of the moon) will be this Wednesday at 4:13 AM PT. 


Eclipses allow us to see things in a new light and bring things to light that we need to heal or let go of. Because this is a lunar eclipse, you can almost look at it like a super charged full moon in terms of releasing what no longer serves you. If there is something that hasn't felt right or just hasn't been working for you for the past few weeks or even up to six months, the eclipse on the South Node is inviting you to let it go, release, and clear space so you can move forward and make room for what will come next. 


There's a feng shui principle that suggests you leave a drawer, shelf, or space open so you always have room for new things to come to you. This principle is super important for this eclipse because it's connected to a unique eclipse family that will bring us sudden flashes of insight or ideas that can almost feel psychic. If you create room for them, they will be ideas that you can take action on!


Eclipses can take it out of us energetically speaking, and since the Moon is tied to our bodies and our emotions, make sure to plan extra self-care ahead of, during, and after the eclipse ๐Ÿง–๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ. 


๐Ÿšจ Important Retrograde Alert! ๐Ÿšจ


May 29: Mercury is Stationing Retrograde! โช


Mercury has been in his retroshade but he's officially coming to a stop on Saturday and will travel backwards in Gemini until June 22nd. 


This week make sure to:

  • Back up your technology, Gemini will lend this retrograde to extra techy glitches
  • Double check your calendar through June 22nd to make sure there are no double bookings or scheduling mix-ups
  • Pad any deadlines by a week or two if they're scheduled during the retrograde

Retrogrades are the universe's way of giving us another chance to get things right, so with this one you'll want to focus on the themes of choices and curiosity around communication, your thoughts, and how you process information. 


Ask yourself what the retroshade period of the last couple of weeks brought up for you around these themes because these next three weeks are the time for you to apply your re- words to them: review, rethink, redo, revise, reconsider, etc. With Gemini you may also find yourself getting messages or doing things in pairs, take notice as these will be messages from Mercury on where to focus your attention!


Collective Cosmic Snapshot

May 25 - 26 | ๐ŸŒ… Expand Your Horizons | How can you expand your worldview or philosophy? Learn something new and open your mind!


May 27 | ๐ŸŒˆ Dreaming of Rainbows and Butterflies | You may be extra daydreamy and romantic today or have a boost of creative inspiration, just remember to keep at least a toe in the real world


May 27 - 28 | ๐ŸŽฏ Eye On The Prize | Take action toward a specific goal or accomplishment


May 28 | ๐Ÿ˜œ Keep It Light | Today you may just want to have fun, laugh, and maybe share a little goss. Serious topics may make you impatient though.


May 28 - 29 | ๐Ÿฆ… Bird's Eye View | Fly above to get the 30,000 foot view to find a new perspective


If you'd like a personalized Cosmic Consult to understand your natal chart, Cosmic Cycles, or Locational Astrology AstroMap click below to order and schedule!


โญ๏ธShare the Cosmic Love โญ๏ธ

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