Here's what's for dinner next week!

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Hey First name / friend! 


I don't always include SIDES… so be sure to add veggies when you are doing your menu planning!  


Here are some substitution tips:


Protein for any other protein - don't like fish - do chicken instead, Exchange fish -  Mahi Mahi instead of tilapia etc. 

Low carb - choose low carb tortilla shells, bed of lettuce, cauliflower rice, zucchini pasta

Dairy free - lots of stores now how DF shredded cheese, sour cream, milk alternatives etc. 

Pizza crust - use cauliflower crust or homemade crust


I hope that you enjoy and PLEASE share with your friends!  They can get added to the email list too!  Just have them go to my website and sign up! 


Happy Cooking! 




Getting healthy ONE meal at a time!
