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our big announcement

We're changing our name!!!

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Hi First name / Friend


I've been keeping this a secret for the last few months, and I am so excited to finally let you in on the secretā€¦ā€¦.we are changing our name!!  Effective June 1, 2021 Inner Spring Yoga will become Element Yoga and Āyurvedic Wellness.    


So, what's in a name? An element is defined as an essential part of something abstract, or difficult to understand. In yoga and āyurveda it is said that all things are composed of the 5 Great Elements (ether, air, fire, water, and earth) - these are the essential components of this sometimes difficult to understand world we live in.


As we enter the second half of the second year living through a global pandemic, a time when everything about life as we knew it was turned on its head, I felt like it was fitting to emerge with a new focus on what's essential.


The downtime in 2020 afforded me a lot of opportunities to clarify my vision for the future of my business, and chart a path forward. I always intended that what we do at Inner Spring Yoga would be more than just a physical practice. It's always been my intention to strive to share yoga as a lifestyle.


Āyurveda is the sister science of yoga, and the system of health and wellbeing that is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent.  At its heart, āyurveda is a practice of understanding the elemental make up of yourself and the world around you, and it's foundation is a set of self-care essentials that in time help you to make more sense of this world and your place in it. After several years of practicing āyurveda personally, I decided to use my time during lockdown to receive training that would allow me to share the benefits of this life giving practice, and the sister of yoga, with all of you.


I've been working with clients and helping them develop their own āyurvedic lifestyle for the past 6 months. At first I thought it would be best to keep these two businesses separate, but it quickly became clear that there is no separation and that the two had to become one. That's when I knew that I had to change our name in order to portray more clearly what we do, who we are, and what our future will look like. Not only are we a yoga studio, but a holistic wellness center based in the ancient teachings of āyurveda and the elemental belief that we can understand ourselves and our world better by focusing on what's most essential.


What does this mean for you? It means you can truly begin to practice yoga as a lifestyle and not just as a physical exercise. You'll still get the same high quality yoga āsana classes with the same amazing teachers, you'll get āyurvedic lifestyle education through our blog, social media accounts and other workshops, you'll get access to my private āyurvedic consultations and other āyurvedic offerings, and you'll get the same supportive community you've always had.


What will be different? Not much. You'll have to get used to our new name, of course. And you'll have to get used to our new logo (I'm pretty excited about it!!). We even tried to make our new website feel familiar so you'll know exactly where to go to reserve your spot in class.  We will have new pricing beginning July 1 (but that was going to happen with, or without the name change), and if you're an auto-debit member by July 1 you'll even get to enjoy your current pricing until October. 


We know change can be hard, but we hope that you'll share in our excitement about the bright future ahead of us and see this as an opportunity not only for us at Element Yoga and Āyurvedic Wellness, but for our entire community to learn and grow together in health and well-being.


We hope you'll take a minute to peek around our website and see what's new, learn a little about āyurveda and the new services we offer, and reserve a spot in an upcoming class!

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your support is everything,


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