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Hi First name / friend,


You know those days when you just have to have a little talk with yourself on certain issues?  Well, did you know that is actually Biblical?  The Bible tell us to talk to ourselves!   And this is how we are to talk to ourselves

  • In Psalms
  • In Hymns
  • In Spiritual Songs
  • Singing and Making melody in your heart to the Lord

Now I think if I did that on a regular basis, that little by little I might have a different attitude when I’m inclined to complain or criticize or when I have just plain failed at something.

In order to talk to myself in Psalms, I need to get into God’s Word and actually read and meditate on the Psalms.  Perhaps I could make up my own songs to help me meditate on these Scriptures.  I also need to learn some hymns and Spiritual Songs. Oh the depth of the song writing of composers in old times.  It is obvious they knew the Lord and knew their Bibles.  Take a hymn book sometime during your devotions and just read and meditate on some of the words.  It will uplift and encourage your heart.

Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; (Eph. 5:19)

If you look at a couple verses before this, you see that this is a small part of God’s will for us.  Be filled with the Spirit and you certainly will have a heart that speaks to yourself in these ways.

Are you struggling with God’s Will?  It really isn’t that hard for everything He wants from us is in His Word. Here are 300  things that are God’s Will for any child of God.


I love how the author of the song below expresses what is the will of God. .  


And here are some other ways that we can talk to ourselves 

  • Speak the truth in your heart. (Psalm 15:1-2)
  • Speak of His righteousness and praise Him all day long. (Psalm 35:28)
  • Speak Wisdom – God’s Word is wisdom (Psalm 37:30)
  • Speak of excellent things; and of right things -speak truth; (Proverbs 8:5-7)
  • Talk of all His wonderful works (Psalm 105:2)


My tongue can surely get me into a lot of trouble.  How I need to be filled with the Spirit so I can first of all speak to myself in ways that are pleasing to God and then in turn use my speech to uplift and encourage others.


Don’t be discouraged during these dark days.  Instead, look up and be watching for our redemption draws near.

Luke 21:27-28

And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.



Ellen from Joyful Abundant Life
