Around the World in 80(ish) Days




p yet started without making all the mistakes I did.


The Grand Tour


I have lived a charmed and fortunate life. As a little girl growing up in Amarillo, Texas, I dreamt of traveling to Europe, Asia, and far-flung places around the globe. Never did I imagine that I would have the privilege of living abroad, first in Tokyo, then in London. And from those perches, it was a mere hop, skip, and jump away for me to travel the rest of Asia and Europe. One would think that after having taken in sight from Istanbul to India that my thirst for travel would be quenched. But like so many of us,  I find myself anxiously awaiting the opportunity to be on the road again to take in the culture and history. And while I have loved discussing all things Bridgerton, we at the studio have decided to take a cue from the Regency era to embark on our own version of Colin Bridgerton's Grand Tour, but on a global scale. Join us on our new adventure - Around the world in 80ish Days!


No, we are not planning to circumnavigate the world in 80 days, but we do intend to explore the impact that global influences have had on design. The Greek key, Chinoiserie, Scandinavian minimalism…the globalization of design is here to stay.

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We can be moved to create a room or a home that transports us back to a moment in time at an Italian farmhouse or Alpine restaurant…


Or, we can seek to combine the influences from various stop and hops on the globe. The cultural crossover is not always apparent, but it gives us an opportunity to blend styles that we wouldn't necessarily think to pair. Whether it's a Southeast Asian table placed alongside an antique French chair, or a Gustavian Swedish bench juxtaposed against a chinoiserie-inspired panel and Greek key flooring, the idea that these styles can live in harmony invites a much more creative approach to designing your home. 

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Let your heritage, travels, and bucket list guide the vision for your home, and if you need a translator along the way, we are here to help!

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Speak soon, Friend!

Kristin case you missed it on insta
