june hours
Tuesday-Friday: 9-5:30pm Saturday 9-5pm Sunday & Monday: CLOSED
Quick Tip
Seeing Grasshoppers?
Protect Against Pesky Mosquitoes with
Dr. T's Mosquito Repelling Granules
June is a beautiful month for gardening! Read all of our tips for this month by clicking the link below.
Hanging Baskets
Add a hanging basket for instant gratification in any area!
Veggie Sale
We Still Have PlentyAll Tomatoes & Peppers
Reg. $3.99
Now $1.00
Select Homegrown HerbsNow 50% Off
Parsley, Thyme, Orangemint, Peppermint, Spearmint, Dill, Spicy Basil, Large Leaf Basil, Spicy Oregano, Golden Sage, Lemon Verbena, Stevia, Cilantro, & French Terragon
If you have questions, feel free to reply to this email.
See you soon,
We collect and reuse rain water!
2012: 108,665 gallons
2013: 108,696 gallons
2014: 123,193 gallons
2015: 181,051 gallons
2016: 123,879 gallons
2017: 141,951 gallons
2018: 106,330 gallons
2019: 139,057 gallons
2020: 85,762 gallons