Hi! It's so fun to share my “three bits of inspiration” with you. This time it's all about avocados. I can find inspiration anywhere. I bet you can too. It's not just the avocados, I've also got news about a five-day retreat I'm teaching (in person!!!), a shop update, and a few newsy links about me and my work. Plus there's a discount code, scroll down for details. I hope you're having a great week, maybe enjoying some chips and guacamole?


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  1. Growing Avocados  Like lots of folks, I was looking for interesting projects during the pandemic – how about growing avocados from pits? Sure! It's been so fun to watch them grow in several glass jars supported by toothpicks. They love my south facing window. Some sent out weirdly shaped white leaves and I discovered those are a mutant variety. None will actually bear fruit, which is totally fine. I just like watching the roots in the water and the leaves unfurling from the tall stem.
  2. Avocado Toast One of my fav cooking YouTube channels is You Suck at Cooking – it's absurd and silly. Plus it's full of great camera tricks. The avocado toast episode is great. I'm not sure I'm taking any inspiration to my studio, but I'll definitely be mashing up some feta with avocado for my next toast.
  3. Carving Avocados I stumbled upon the Instagram Gaku Carving and was stunned by the detail and delicacy – and a little humor too. There are all kinds of fruits and veggies but the avocados are my favorite. It's inspiring me to take more inspiration from the beautiful shapes and colors in the produce department.

Create with me in August!

I'm delighted to be teaching at the Hudson River Valley Art Workshop where we'll have five days to create together in a beautiful setting, with stunning accommodations and delicious meals. More info here or drop me an email if you have any questions. 


Shop Update!

This series of art quilt collages is inspired by city sights, patterns, shapes and colors. I've just added them to my Etsy shop. They are each 20x20" and full of layers of fabric, paint and stitching. They may remind you of sidewalks, street lights, puddles, tiny beautiful weeds, shadows, graffiti, buildings and people in them. 

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Use the code AVOCADO for a 15% discount on anything in my Etsy shop.

Studio Updates

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Hopeful Invitation, 12x12"

I'm delighted to donate this piece to the annual Studio Art Quilt Associates Benefit Auction. The festive colors, flourishing plants and trees combined with the idea of a home glowing with possibility make for a “hopeful invitation” to joy. SAQA is dedicated to promoting the art quilt and art quilters. It's been such an important part of my creative and professional development. Look for auction details in September.

Thanks so much for reading! Have a fabulous day!
