WOW, we've come to the middle of the year already. June is done and dusted, and only 25 Friday's left till Christmas, hee hee hee or should I say, Ho ho ho.
There is heaps happening on the writing/editing front in regards to AirWhisperer, Book three of the Elementar series. Just over 100,000 words reached (that's 30,000 words I've written in the last 20 days wooo hooo), the first structural edit almost finished, and all that's left is to write out the last 20,000 words or so, to wrap the book up.
I'm getting really excited.
There will be a COVER REVEAL in the coming weeks too, so watch out for that.
You may have also seen we have a new dachshund … Ed - he's 1 years old and the most loving little pup ever. He and Luna have started a friendship/romance that looks like it will last a lifetime and which incorporates sharing sleeping bags and mealtimes, although not kangaroo tails eeeek - a little tussle happened there, but all is sweet now.
I hope you have a wonderful winter/spring/summer/autumn month, wherever you are, and remember … your imagination is the golden pathway to everywhere. (Terence McKenna)