July 1st, 2021

welcome to the unfolding, a bi-weekly(-ish) newsletter curated from the heart with reflections on living fully, offerings, and gems to witness.**  thank you for unfolding with me. ✨

view past newsletters here.

(4 minute read)

hey y'all,


it's been a while… thank you for your unspoken grace. i'm going through so much change right now, physically, environmentally, emotionally… everything in my life is shifting. i've tried to write an letter to you multiple times, but the truth is most of my energy is going through the grief of change. so i decided this letter will be different; i've dropped little snippets from my personal writing below for you. i've also decided to intentionally take a break to care for myself deeply. perhaps in the next letter, you'll have a guest in your inbox or musings that have inspired me in some way. i won't be too far and i hope my grace offers you something too. here's to living into reality a world where everyone has access to taking the time-space they need.


with love, yasmin 💛


self-practice: take a few gentle belly breaths to center yourself. when you're ready, pick a snippet of writing below (or multiple) and ponder for a moment the following: what is it literally saying? what metaphors/ images does it make me think of? what is the wisdom it may be offering me & only me right now? 


“everything demands something of me without demanding everything. it will always be this way but how do i ensure i’m not the demands or supply? what else is there to live by?” - june 6th


"if we aren’t oppressive to ourselves, noticing and choosing to not exploit ourselves, choosing to unlearn the oppression that exists within us and the wsc* that we have learned, we become the people that can be that for others, fulfilled people.” - june 23rd 


“i'm in the tug-of-war that is unlearning internalized ideas from wsc* - that if i am feeling sad or lost or unsuccessful that I am living poorly, living a bad life, incorrect or wrong in someway. i’m battling with that idea because the truth is we do not become impenetrable when we reach a state of joy, confidence, success, or satisfaction. and i have to remember/ learn that there is oscillations all throughout life.” - june 26th


“to be well again means to be able to identify when i/ we are falling into the illusions of the cultures we live in - to clear the fog for ourselves so we can have a grace and compassion for ourselves, believe in ourselves and live fully again. when i/we are able to do that for ourselves, i/we then build the capacity to do and teach that to others. i/we can be soft and understanding, i/we can be adaptable and forgiving, i/we can have our boundaries and be trusting." - june 27th


*wsc = white supremacy culture as characterized by the work of Tema Okun, et al.



plotting the seeds for fulfillment 

a self-guided downloadable zine for self-discovery

during this break feel free to check out plotting the seeds, a zine crafted to help you discover and plot the seeds for what will allow you to live fully in your own sense of fulfillment in the present moment. complete with written guidance, audio visualizations, & self-directed practices, yours to keep forever & self-priced.


delightful things by others

events/ experiences to revel in!

- my remarkable, dear friend Carolyn is making BIG decolonizing moves by expanding access “to help QTIBIPOC to thrive in sobriety and beyond” with their brilliant collaborators Goddexx and La Conextion. to do this essential work, they have a community care fundraiser happening! #supportsupportsupport


- i am LIVING for Pinky the Comedian's videos. #cryingemoji


-i'm a little (lot) obsessed with these no-knead foccacia recipes that i might try tonight with some leftover local tomatoes on top… #yummyyummy


& with that, may you be empowered always all ways.

yasmin 💛

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share this love to a friend by forwarding this to them


are you ready to unlock your agency & live a fulfilling life?

here are some ways i offer to do so:


private one-on-one coaching!

a partnership with me in shifting towards the life you desire

free first discovery call - no strings attached.

sliding scale price based on privilege and financial status.

click here to learn more


plotting the seeds for fulfillment: a zine for solo self-discovery!

a zine crafted to help you discover and plot the seeds for what will allow you to live fully in your own sense of fulfillment in the present moment. 

complete with written guidance, audio visualizations, & self-directed practices. #self-priced #downloadable

click here to check it out.


**curious as to why I may have omitted capitalization? - 

lucille clifton inspired me. bell hooks taught me. & more here.
