Weekend Rest + Reflect

My dear friend,

Sometimes, there is just so much noise. 


The notifications on our phones. The new text message alert. The emails. All the pictures of everyone else's lives. The new videos. The next podcast. The Netflix series. There is so much consistent noise competing for our attention and filling up every little crevice of our heart. Stressing us out, pushing us into comparison, convincing us to buy more; to be more or different.


I know for me, I felt like my own life was so noisy. I was constantly consuming other people's voices, lives, and opinions. Without really realizing it, I was letting the lives and opinions of others shape how I saw my own self and lived out my life. In doing so, I felt like the voice of the Lord, His direction for my own life, and His thoughts towards me were all getting lost in the sea of content online. 


For months, I had felt Him inviting me into stillness and June is when I finally relented. So this month, I took a break from Instagram (and will be back in July…probably). Honestly, I wrestled so much with this before I finally stepped into obedience, but I have learned something that I want to encourage you with this morning. It seems so simple…


We have to purposefully and intentionally create space for the Lord. 


I'll be the first to say that whenever I wanted to do something mind-numbing so that I could distract or entertain myself, the scrolling would begin….and go on and on. That initial unpleasant feeling that prompted the desire to be distracted would then only be amplified instead healed. But come to find out, scrolling doesn't heal. Jesus does. 


Don't get me wrong, social media isn't a bad thing. But when the constant overarching voices we are filling ourselves with are that of others and not of the Word of God, we are going to feel empty and have bigger wounds. We cannot allow the words and pictures we consume online speak more authority over our lives than Him.


So today, I want to extend an invitation to you to spend some quality time with the Lord. I don't mean doing a social media cleanse. Rather, encouraging you to simply get alone with the Lord. Let Him speak love over you. 


Let Him tell you through His word what He thinks of you. Make some space to get to know the voice of the Lover of our souls. Whenever we are inundated with so many voices, we have to be intentional about getting to know what His voice and His truth sound like. 


Because at the end of the day, not one of those other voices, good or bad, will be able to love you, heal you, and speak life over you the way He does. What a privilege we have to come sit and rest in His presence. 

  • “He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love”. Song of Solomon 2:4, ESV
  • “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10, ESV
  • My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27, ESV
  • For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12, ESV
  • Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. Jeremiah 33:3, ESV


Rest in knowing that even whenever there are so many different voices competing for you attention and affection, the Lord is there and available to you. He will speak truth, love, and direction over your life. There is stillness, safety, refuge, and clarity in Him.


  • Are there words or voices that you are letting have more authority over your life than what He has already spoken over you? If so, how do these outside voices, opinions, etc. make you feel? 
  • What are a couple verses in Scripture that bring peace and comfort to you?
  • What is something you can do this week to spend time with the Lord and find stillness with Him?
  • Listen to Simple Truth by Ryan Ellis. (You can listen to the whole Weekend Rest + Reflect playlist on Spotify here.)

Pray with me

Hello Lord,

Sometimes, it can get so easy to become lost in the sea of all these voices. But I ask that right now, you make your voice crystal clear to me. I invite you into this moment and ask that you speak life over me. Speak healing over the places of my heart that need restored. Speak resurrection over the places in me you want to see made new in you. Speak peace over my anxious and weary heart. Speak deep and satisfying comfort in the places I am experiencing deep pain. I choose to trust your Word and that you will do all that you have promised. Help me to learn what your voice and your truth sound like. I love you, Oh Lord my strength. My King, my Rock, my Redeemer, my beautiful beautiful Savior. 

In the name of Jesus,


New This Week

From my heart to yours,


On the 'gram

