As I sit down to (finally) write this, it is now dark and I can hear the echos of celebration as they travel through the evening air. Here in the United States, tomorrow is the 4th of July (or already is depending on when you're reading this) and is symbolic of independence and freedom; the formation as our own country with our own governance, laws, values, and freedoms.
We also take time to honor all those who have fought and sacrificed for those freedoms and rights that we have as American citizens. It's not quite the 4th yet, but in these hours approaching, fireworks have already begun and celebration is already happening.
With the 4th of July representing so many powerful things in the history of the United States, I couldn't help but be reminded of something so incredible special that is integral to our lives as believers.
So often, we carry around with us the shame and guilt of our past. We carry around heavy burdens that have weighed our shoulders for many years. But, if you are found in Christ, there is freedom from the guilt, from the shame, and from the heavy burden. He fought for and purchased your individual freedom. He won the victory with the seal of His blood and the triumph of the resurrection.
This doesn't mean we are free to sin. Rather, it means we have freedom from our guilt and our bondage to have relationship with God who loves you so much more than you could even begin to imagine. Within that relationship, we have the freedom to come before Him, ask for things in His name, receive grace, boldly approach His throne, and be ministered to by Holy Spirit. Freedom from death; freedom to have eternal life with God.
What Freedom! We went from death to life! That is also something worth celebrating!