1. Get rid of the bulky, random colored packaging!
Boxes of snacks, big containers of crackers or garbage bags — instead of leaving in their original packaging, take it out & transfer to a clear container! For pre-packaged snacks, put into one of your baskets. For the smaller items (think: crackers, chocolate chips, etc.), put into an airtight container! 


2. If you're running out of space with your current storage bins, purchase additional matching bins.
The most important thing to note here: they must be the same! In order to keep the cohesiveness of the space, purchase storage that matches your current set up. Be sure to put the most used items at eye level or lower; place less frequently used items higher up & out of the way.


3. Too many miscellaneous items? Store in your “etc.” basket/space. 
Instead of leaving the misc. items lying around your space, place inside the “etc.” basket! Keeps your space looking fresh without the clutter! My favorite quote: Don't put it down, put it away. 


4. Clean! 
One of the best things you can do for your space, clean it regularly. Pull things off the shelves/out of the space, vacuum, wipe down with disinfectant, let dry, then place all of your items back where they belong. 


5. Every six months, purge.
Just like when we started this journey together, I asked you to purge and rid the space of everything you were no longer needing. Every 6 months, spend a few minutes going through your space getting rid of expired items, things no longer serving a purpose in your home, clothing items that are not working for you. It feels so good to keep up with your spaces & doesn't take too long! 


Thanks for reading!



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