This week, I found myself knee-deep in the trenches of “the unknown”. It is almost like it caught up with me all at once. Because truthfully, I sometimes feel like I have absolutely 0% figured out in my life: health, relationships, job, relationships - adulting. My 25th birthday came last week and I have been feeling a little overwhelmed by all the things I have no answers for and the endless sea before me called “The Unknown”.
Whenever we think of the unknown, what are the feelings that we often associate with this? Is it fear, worry, dread, guilt? All of the above? If you’re also struggling with the reality of the unknown and all that lies ahead, I have some encouragement specifically just for you in the form of 2 truths… from my heart to yours.
Truth 1: We do not have to have it all figured out. We are only supposed to faithfully follow His lead.
I don't know about you, but this truth is a big relief to me. A verse that I really loves says that, “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”. He gives us what we need to take the next step in faith. A lamp may not brighten the entire room, but it often gives us just enough light to see what’s right in front of us. He guides us and gives us what we need to step out in faith and obedience to do the next right thing.
We don’t have to furiously figure out how to uncover the rest of the path because He is already giving us what we need for this very moment. Let me just tell ya, this one is a struggle for me. I am a big picture thinker and planner. I often have to slow down and prayerfully discern the next step and be a good steward of where I am.
Truth 2: Our unknown future is already written and finished by a loving sovereign God.
Even whenever the Lamp only gives us enough light for our next steps, our unknown future is already written and finished by a sovereign God who loves us. We can can grasp how deep is His love and how sufficient is His sovereignty, we are able to take those little lamp-lighted steps with grace and faith.
One last thing…
Sometimes, our present circumstances can feel so incredibly crushing and the weight of the future and the unknown only add to that. The kind of crushing that makes it seem impossible to take any step forward at all no matter how small. Where's the light, where's the lamp???
I want you to right now that if that is you, in the midst of whatever pain you are facing today, that all you have to do is call on Jesus and He WILL give you His strength to take the next step forward and the one after that.