Let's not forget about the turkeys! Back in April we received 20 Midget White turkey poults. Unfortunately we lost a few in the early stages, but the 14 we have left are doing very well. We have 5 toms and 9 hens. Unlike the conventional commercial turkey, the Midget White will reproduce naturally (the standard broad-breasted turkey requires artificial insemination). Our goal is to continually raise this nearly forgotten bird to provide our customers with year-round turkey meat.
The Midget White is, as the name implies, a very small turkey. At 3 months, they're about the same size as a chicken. Fully grown they'll get just over 10lbs. They were developed back in the 60's to support the growing homestead movement of the time. The goal was to develop a broad-breasted turkey that was smaller - enough for a typical family meal. I guess the idea didn't catch on because today the Midget White is listed as ‘Critical’ by the American Livestock Breeds Conservatory. It's a shame because these little guys are a joy to have around. Turkeys are much more interactive than chickens and are great foragers - grasshoppers beware!
We will continue to raise our annual Holiday Turkeys for your Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts. Our Broad-Breasted White Turkey poults are due to arrive in just a few weeks. We will start taking pre-orders soon. Remember, our holiday turkeys are organic fed & free range - just like our chickens. We'll deliver them to you on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving - fresh, never frozen.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to join along in our turkey adventures.