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One of my favorite parts of my job as an artist and art educator is helping other artists along the path of creative entrepreneurship. The beauty of a career in art is that it looks different for everyone. You know I'm all about community over competition, so this week's #CreateWithCatCoq challenge is all about taking steps towards making your creative entrepreneurship dreams a reality.

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I got my creative business started using print on demand sites like Society6, Redbubble, and more. Now, seven years later, I’m still bringing in a big chunk of my monthly income from those sites.


One of my favorite things about print on demand is that it's so accessible to everyone. It's free to sign up for an account and start getting your designs on products. This week, my challenge to you is to list one of your designs on a print on demand site.


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Wondering where to start with listing your artwork online?


If you're new to the world of print on demand and art licensing, I have a whole blog post about this! In this post, I walk you through all the details about print on demand and how to get started listing your designs on these sites.

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Want a more in-depth look at art licensing?


In my Skillshare class, A Step-by-Step Guide to Art Licensing, I teach my exact process for selling my designs on products. You can watch the class for free when you sign up for a free trial with Skillshare.

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I know that it can seem like a scary step to put yourself and your artwork out into the world. But I believe that taking action is the key to success as a creative entrepreneur. Sometimes that action is scary and intimidating, but without taking action you won't make progress towards your goals.


Putting my designs out into the world using print on demand sites was the thing that changed the game for me and my art career. Now I want to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and take that action. The result could end up being better than you possibly could have imagined.

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I'd love to see what designs you list! Share a screenshot of your product on Instagram using the hashtag #CreateWithCatCoq so I can see what you come up with! Cheers to taking action and to supporting each other along the way.


Cheering you on!

xo, Cat

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