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Tour with Ben and Christina Miller at The Dainty Maid building in downtown South Bend

RISE has expanded throughout the state of Indiana.  We've partnered with Indiana Department of Education and Ivy Tech to write all of the new competencies for entrepreneurship and the Next Level Programs of Study in addition to providing training and mentorship.  This past week we welcomed 10 high school instructors that will be using the RISE Model in their schools.  Students from across the state will now be able to receive 16 dual college credits and a Certificate of Entrepreneurship through this work. 

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RISE alumni panel inspiring instructors during RISE training

“The RISE program has done the most practical, comprehensive, and inspiring research on Entrepreneurship training for all who train, coach, and mentor others. The training was inspiring, engaging, and motivating.  I left feeling prepared and ready for the new semester and entrepreneur students.”

Sylanda McKinnor - Ivy Tech Indianapolis

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Visit to the IDea Center and the Innovation lab at Notre dame

“Not knowing what to expect… I was totally  blown away by the RISE program. They got my attention on day one/minute one with the wallet activity and I have been sold since. I have been to many business and educational seminars and the RISE training is the best.  The RISE approach puts the student in the driver's seat for their education and empowers them to build the future life they desire. ”

Matthew Hyde - Prosser Career Education Center

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If you know a high school or college that would benefit from our work please let us know. We would love to get connected!

