
Weekly Newsletter

August 2021 vol. 1



Our Flock is Growing

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If you look back at our beginnings you’ll see that at our previous abode on the Gulf Coast we had a flock of Royal White Sheep.  We were initially attracted to sheep because we love the taste of lamb, and in those days, lamb wasn’t in the markets regularly.


Sheep do have drawbacks, particularly in humid, wet areas. They’re very susceptible to stomach parasites.  All animals (even humans) have internal parasites, but sheep seem to be particularly vulnerable to them.  Dry weather breaks the parasite life cycle in most parts of the country, but on the Texas Gulf Coast, the weather is never dry. Sheep-raising there was a challenge, but well worth it. Once we returned to Central Texas, we knew we would be adding sheep again as soon as possible. 


Earlier this year we installed some additional “sheep proof” fencing to ensure their safety, and we traded a side of beef for 6 Dorper lambs.  Earlier this week, we welcomed another 12 lambs into the flock.  We hope to keep some females and start running a small flock (7-10) of breeding animals so that we’ll have plenty to share.  It is a joy to have baby lambs on the farm as their boundless energy results in entertaining antics.  Keep an eye out for unequalled cuteness in the spring of '22.



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This Week's Markets

Tuesday's 3 - 7 pm 


Pflugerville First United Methodist Church (500 E. Pecan Street)


Pfarmers Market returns for regular season with a new location


The Pflugerville Pfarmers Market is returning with pfresh produce, meat and homemade goods, starting May 11 on every Tuesday from 3-7 p.m. through October 26. Due to construction on Old Austin Hutto Road, the market will be located at Pflugerville First United Methodist Church (500 E. Pecan Street) throughout the regular market. Just enter through the main entrance, and we will be set up in the back parking lot. 


The Elgin Farmers Market is a year-round market that will remain open every Thursday. Pre-orders are encouraged. 

The Taylor Farmers Market is a year-round market that will is open every Saturday. Pre-orders are encouraged. Live music most Saturday's from 11 -1.


Be well, 

stay safe,


John & Molly
