Hi friends!


It felt good to go back to most of my morning habits in the past couple of weeks. I was committed to Time Blocking at work, which made me much more intentional about my time. I got back to writing more regularly on my blog after the one-month break. Still not daily as I originally decided.  I am still falling short when it comes to evening routine. For instance,  I did not walk once last week with so many evening plans and very hot weather, but will go back to it for sure sooner than later.


This upcoming week is also about family, as most of them are leaving by the end of the week, and I feel a sting thinking about it. I want to spend more time with them and take more photos.


What about you? Is your summer still as crazy as mine, or have you said goodbye to your summer visitors already? 


Now I will leave you to do my weekly preview, see you next week. Until then, see you in my daily Instagram stories.

Here is your weekly dose of The Sunday Spark a newsletter listing 5 inspiring things I thought were worth starting your week with: 

  1. From my desk: Is waking up early a habit you want to start? Here are 14 tips to wake up early from my personal experience
  2. Accept this invitation to rest with poetry
  3. A podcast I am enjoying lately is A Year of Magical Living by Imogen Roy, her story is a lot like mine. Try her idea "Could-do list" instead of "To-do List".
  4. What Imogen talked about matches what my friend Osama and I discussed in this video about the 4 seasons that the earth and our human bodies go thorough, juicy at minute 6:50 (YT link here)
  5. Dear ladies, this quote is to get your cycle-tracking started:

"Tracking and being aware of your menstrual cycle is the greatest act of self-care you can give yourself. Cycle awareness helps you to feel and respond to your changing mood and energy, which creates an inner stability and flexibility that allows you to be kind towards yourself. It gives you a way to create a menstrual map of your month and a way to plan your diary. It gives you instruction on how to care for yourself and capitalise on each phase of your cycle."

― Maisie Hill

(resurfaced through Readwise)

See you next Sunday, First name / my dear friend

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Have a Brilliant Week!


In case you missed these posts on Instagram…

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