Well who tf was ready for that shit?

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I guess if you’ve been paying attention to the energy surrounding 8/8: Lions Gate Portal each year prior, then you’re hip. For me, I’m like, 

“Oh, Lion’s Gate. Cute. Blah, blah, blah. Cute.” 

…but I guess I haven’t paid attention fr fr.


Then homegirl came through fierce AF, and I was like…

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It started with my period. Then came the cyclical vomiting. And talk about the lethargy.

A bitch was lethargic AF for a good 3 weeks. I was canceling shit!


I never miss a moment to be in the club dancing. If there’s some music with a dope ass DJ, I’m there. This weekend…I canceled on the club. Hell…THIS WEEK I canceled on the club. 

I canceled on Rich Medina, and he’s in my top 5 favorite DJs. (YEAH, PHILLY!)


Spirit said to stay the fuck in and rest. And that’s just what the fuck I did. I didn’t even apologize for canceling. Part of it was legit me being unwell, and the other was me genuinely having no desire.

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The rest was absolutely needed. No doubt about it. I 100% felt a shift in body, mind, and spirit. Usually when I rest like this, it’s because I’m about to put in some work.


Leo season brings change like no other. I’m always cutting people and things off - with or without me guiding it. I’m always propelling forward.

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I understand that what I do comes with great responsibility, I apply the wisdom I gain at the altar to that knowledge.


Moon Meditation


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Well. There it is.


I'm sure we all experienced the effects of  8/8: Lions Gate Portal and the new moon.


You either gave it all, or had nothing to give. Either way, some energy was moved.

Some currency was moved, baby. You made space.


🧿Check out my nu era nu wave playlist on Spotify 🧿

it's a chill vibe from BACK IN MY L.A. DAys

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