Long time no see, First name / my dudes
Six moves across the United States later and I never finished the dieting email series… Sorry about that! 
Like I tell my clients, even if there's not a ‘great’ time, there is a such thing as a better time. So I'll definitely be condensing + re-visiting it once I get back into my regular routines. 
But just b/c clients and self care come FIRST doesn't mean I didn't miss what we got going on here, though!
So this week, we're kicking it off with a highly-responded-to post from the ‘gram, and probably one of the MOST underrated, (yet overrated??), tools for redirecting nutrition habits + food behaviors that I think ya’ll could greatly benefit from…
We're talking about THE go-to tool that most effectively helps you:
•dodge midday energy crash(es)
•reduce the severity AND frequency of weight fluctuations
•prevent overeating or under-eating, (which leads to restriction/binge cycles)
•keep from becoming the unrecognizable BIT.c.h.….dragon… I SAID DRAGON!…you turn into when hangry... 👀😂 
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drum roll, please
BUT HOLD THE F*CK UP for onnnne second...
because most meal prep attempts end up in the dumpster of forsaken fitness goals alongside the expired supplements you bought from your friend shooting her shot with an MLM 3 years ago…
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ok I CLEARLY have some pent up pettiness to dish out our first email back. But if you stick with me, I PROMISE IT'LL BE WORTH IT. 
Actually, let's just dive in face first and see how this goes- My adderall is wearing off and it's the end of the day, so I don't know how much time we have before I crash and burn… 
Why meal prep is the shit… a contextual thread: 
Consistent feedings in the form of whole-ass meals = efficient + optimal peptide function (peptides are in the gut and help send ‘im satisfied' and ‘im hungry’ notifications to the brain..) which means, appetite regulation works like it should… 
🌈 yaaaaay…
yes? ok.. 
^all that = a reduction (or complete elimination) of binge/restriction cycles over time
(binge/restriction cycles, or what you know as overeating then skipping meals to make up for it, looks like: eating a lot one night, then a couple snacks the next day, 3 small meals the following day, and so on…inconsistency of meals, not good. We get it.)
cool cool cool. So, 
consistency of feedings (meaning caloric intake and digestion, in general, is relatively maintained ) = best chance for metabolic homeostasis  (body needs are balanced because they’re being met)=  metabolism functions healthily and consistently 
= reduced risk of developing metabolic conditions, like PCOS, diabetes, etc., BUT ALSO HELPS YOU OVERCOME DAILY INCONVENIENCES, like becoming a hangry DRAGON, dealing with inconsistent poops/unfriendly digestion experiences/severe bloating, energy crashing at 3pm everyday, overcoming mental fog, and most of the other things you complain about getting in the way of ‘living your best life’ ON THE DAILY.
Daaaaaaily…. That's a shit way to live! (No pun intended.) 
But before you dash off to Pinterest to grab a meal plan, or Amazon to order plastic containers in bulk, we need to talk about WHY most of us have given up on meal prepping every single week (ahem, consistency) in the first place….
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Meal prep as we currently know it DOES NOT WORK. Complete gar-báge. 
pinky up, the tea is hot
Now would be a good time to grab a glass of wine, if you haven't already, as I'm refilling mine…
Feel free to skip this section + pick back up in the next if you don't want to go hopping down the rabbit trail for a sec.
There are rampant misconceptions surrounding 2 concepts I listed in the thread, so I want to nip them in the butt right now:  
1. “Metabolic health” and what that indicates, or DOESN'T indicate, rather…
2. Energy crashes / the giant cesspool of misinformation attacking caffeine- which is,  I must say, a rather misguided and unsuccessful attempt at eradicating the raging coffee addiction of Americans today… but I digress.
RABBIT TRAIL #1 : Metabolic health means my body magically looks the way I want it to, debunk: 
Metabolic health does not MEAN weight loss… AKA, being metabolically healthy is NOT exclusive, much less synonymous, to thin-ness. 
This comes from a deeper misconception that a thin body = a healthy body
Not. the. same. thing. 
You *may* lose weight as your metabolic health is improved…
OR you may gain weight as it improves…
OR your weight may not shift at all b/c your body levels out where it is.
The outcomes of improvements made to metabolic function/improving your metabolism is unpredictable and very much depends on where your metabolic health stands prior to starting on said improvements- including dozens of factors such as your genetic predisposition to body size, shape, and composition, your history of dieting, level of activity or exercise, exposure and access to quality information and resources, and so on.
That's all I have to say on that for now, so moving on.
RABBIT TRAIL #2: Coffee is the devil so we should all be drinking mushroom powders, debunk
People blame coffee for a lot… but let’s simplify the argument by stripping it down to what’s *actually* being discussed here- caffeine.
First off, caffeine is a stimulate, not a component of energy
Meaning, caffeine relies on the presence of energy (which we get through carbs + fats) to operate (and in best practice, utilizes protein to stabilize…but that’s for another email altogether.)
Therefore, a lack of ‘stabilizing’ + ‘energizing’ nutrients needed whilst engaging with caffeine is what causes crashes… nooooot the caffeine. 
Now, *abusing* caffeine is what leads to symptoms + conditions of/for adrenal fatigue. You’ve probably experienced this in slight- you know when you drink caffeine and nothing happens or even worse- you feel MORE fatigued? 
Heart starts racing, despite feeling like a total zombie??
When you feel that way, you need SUSTENANCE, and maybe a little reality check on substance abuse, not some full-blown “detox”:
  1. WHOLE-ASS meals- get them throughout the day, Whole-ass meal = veggie or fruit, protein, carb, fat, water. 
  2. SLEEP- get your ass to bed at a decent hour so you, and your body, can properly recover, using the food from the whole-ass meals you prioritized. 🤟
  3. Sloooow down on the cups of joe. If you come to a full halt, you'll likely feel like a sack of shit and experience pounding headaches. So WEEN off, don't cold turkey, and you'll get the benefits of coffee, which there are many- rich antioxidants included- without the consequences of too much caffeine.
Remember how everyone likes to tout ‘too much of anything is a bad thing'?? Apply that logic here, please, and stop resorting to detoxes every-time you feel ‘off.' 
At the end of the day, if I could just get people to stop saying, “I'm tired, I need coffee" or “detoxing from coffee did x,y,z (that using caffeine properly could have also accomplished)…" then maybe, just maybe,
 I could one day die in peace… 
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Let's cut to the goods. WHATS THE SOLUTION, BETCH?!
IF meal prep = meals secured = human has the best opportunity for success to getting their daily needs met (and getting all the accompanying benefits)
 then your meal prep process is only as good as it lasts…
ME: Which means….what? 
YOU: sighs… "I can't just go frolicking off to Pinterest or otherwise to pick up someone else's meal prep process b/c while THEIR process works + can be maintained longterm living THEIR life,  that doesn't mean it'll thrive in MINE...” 
ME: cries proud auntie tears
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YOUR meal prep HAS to meet *your* individual needs/fit into YOUR lifestyle, and be flexible to your schedule- 
otherwise you might do it for a time, but then what?
-But then it gets lost on a ‘bad week,’
-feels impossible coming back from a vacation
-you don’t want to eat what you made b/c you cooked ‘should-make’ meals off a god-forsaken meal plan instead of what you wanted..
-or food doesn’t get cooked simply because it got skipped on the ONE day you had planned to do it. 
So no matter what Joe-Shmo the gym bro tells you, you do not - I repeat, DO NOT- need to spend 4 hours on a Sunday afternoon digging deep within yourself to fill 21 plastic containers with roasted veggies and chicken to reach your #goals… 
Likewise, if you're one of many who doesn't do any meal prepping AND it's leading to skipped meals throughout the day or week, it's going to be in your best interest to design some type of meal prepping game plan that is personalized to you. 
But if you don't remember a damn thing I ever tell you- meal prep or no meal prep- please remember this: 
A ‘healthy lifestyle’ isn't a goal, a weight, or an outcome- it's a state of being. ⁠
And for anything to become an engrained habit, it HAS to link into the lifestyle you *already* have, holding space for the things that are most precious- including your time for rest and play, or LIVING LIFE, which is what you ‘should’ be doing with your weekend anyway!
And fancy that, that’s what my entire coaching process is ALL about- not telling you how to do what works for ME, or for the 6-pack celeb you wish to look like- but using my expertise to help you fast-track the process of creating systems that work best for… who? You, babes! 
You need to bring that energy to the table for yourself, too, when digesting ‘dos’ + ‘donts’ from non-contextual ‘advice’ spewed freely on the world wide web…
So, 1. If this was interesting to you and you're interested in the instruction piece to build out your own meal prep process without falling into more unforeseen gaps, idk, like maybe in a workshop or something fun alongside snacks and a Q+A??, reply to this email with “I'll bite” and I'll see what I can do if there's enough interest. 😉 
2.If meal prep is something you’re struggling to make consistent and you want to jump in regardless, then 👋 heyyy, in case you didn't know, I offer this really nifty, 30day 1:1 intensive experience, adjacent to the 6month 1:1 coaching service, where we can focus on one impactful behavior, like meal prep. So you can get all the benefits we talked about whilst keeping up with the pace of life and WITHOUT compromising on your down-time.
Spend 30 days with me in the Find Your Way FLING. 
Because some of you just need a cute little moment, a fling, not a long term relationship, to re-navigate that ONE umbrella behavior wreaking havoc on the changes you've been trying to make thus far. 
If that's up your alley, you can apply here: https://ScheduletheCall.as.me/apply
(Note, the application for the FYW Long Term Relationship (6month, 1on1) and the intensive, the FYW Fling (30d, 1on1) are the same, so apply using the form regardless of the service you're interested in and you'll be good to go!) 
Otherwise, see you here next Tuesday where I'll have another tipsy-newsletter designed to help you clear up the confusion around your food + exercise so you can ditch other people's plan and find YOUR way to wellness. 

Much love,  Kelsie 

More, please!

