Hi friends!


How are you doing this hot August Sunday? 


I have had the chance to do a quick review of last week before sending you this newsletter, and I am glad to share with you that I am making very good progress in my morning and evening routines. For example, I 100% committed to morning meditation and I walked most evenings. That’s when I noticed that I was barely catching the beautiful sunsets as they are getting earlier, shifting just in time to synchronize with the school bedtimes of our kids. Oh, your kids slept at 8 PM not 11 PM all summer? Lucky you!


The highlight of my week was adding my podcast to Wajeez app. Wajeez is a wonderful application which provides summaries for the world’s best-selling nonfiction books in Arabic language, that can be read or listened to in around 15 minutes. Wajeez has recently created a new feature called “Wajeez Cast” summarizing podcast episodes into shorter versions. Five shortened episodes of my podcast were released last week on Wajeez.  


I feel rewarded for my hard work and so thrilled by this collaboration which will make sure my podcast will reach a wider audience where Wajeez has reached 800K users since their recent launch in December 2020. 


What I like about this app is that its free version offers one book summary daily, plus access to all Wajeez cast episodes. If you want to listen to any book you want in their library of ~3000 books, all you need to do is invest 4USD/month.


Personally, I listen to book summaries every morning, mainly while I apply makeup, and yes it takes me about 15 minutes to apply makeup or 10 minutes if I speed up the narration by 1.25X, when my eyelashes look perfect 😊  


A question you may have is: Does listening to book summaries replace reading them? And the answer is no. It's true, you will learn so much by listening to well-performed book summaries; however, instead of buying 5 books about a topic that interests you, you can listen to the summaries of those book and get the one that you find most intriguing, thereby, saving money and time.  


Why not try Wajeez now?


Finally, this is your gentle reminder that your monthly review is due this week.  Set some time aside to do it in the upcoming weekend.


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Here is your weekly dose of The Sunday Spark a newsletter listing 5 inspiring things I thought were worth starting your week with: 

  1. My husband and I are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary tomorrow! What a milestone. I am blessed and grateful. I have not written my thoughts around this just yet, but Jenna Kutcher did so here beautifully.
  2. Free original amazing audiobooks here, I don't know how this is possible, but it is there with so many great titles! All you need is Google Podcasts App.
  3. As I shared in podcast episode #33, I am still thinking about transitions. The reminders in this post by the author Kate Northrup resonated with me.
  4. I am working on my money beliefs and discussing this topic soon in an Instagram Live. A book that is helping me is "You are a badass at making money." Free audiobook here.
  5. A quote to remind you to listen to your inner guidance:

"I hope that whatever you do next is born from you and not imposed on you. I hope the rest of your life is your idea. For what it’s worth, I hope you trust yourself. You know what you know. You have good ideas"

― Glennon Doyle

(resurfaced through Readwise, download this awesome app to remember books you read)

See you next Sunday, First name / my dear friend

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Note: some of the links above may be affiliate links, but always keep in mind that I don’t endorse anything I don’t use and love myself. 



Have a Brilliant Week!


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