Do you know the behaviors you must execute to be consistent and confident? Can you perform these skills on command?
According to Stanford psychologist Albert Bandura, the first step of four to improve self-efficacy (a fancy word for confidence or competency in a given skill) is to do the activity—a lot—and create what he calls “mastery experiences.” I call this myelination process “getting your reps in.” The other ways Bandura found to improve self-efficacy is through experiencing verbal encouragement from others, learning to control your emotional state, and by vicarious experiences (as in, observing others). A bonus mastery tactic is through visualization.
So, let’s do this! Using this framework, know what you want, build your plan, and get your reps in to strengthen myelin and mental pathways. Trust these habits and execute when it matters—all while conserving mental energy.
It's time to reprogram your subconscious mind to help you not hurt you. Your conscious mind is the goal setter, while your subconscious is the goal getter. Developing your process is a crucial step toward creating a quiet mind.
List the skills you want to master by getting more reps in that particular area. Using Bandura’s model, here’s a business example if someone wants to nail their sales pitch or presentation:
- Get Your Reps In: Prepare your outline or slide deck and start practicing it with a variety of people—colleagues, friends, and family.
- Verbal Encouragement: Be in a positive environment where it’s safe to fail and grow.
- Success Leaves Clues: Study others who have the skills you want.
- Nerves = Energy: Interpret nerves as excitement not fear, and use them as fuel.
- See It In Your Mind: Have clear intent and visualize success.
By executing these process keys consistently, you will move closer to being in a conscious competent state that will develop into an unconscious competence state.
P.S. My new book launches in just under two weeks. Quiet Mind expands upon many of the concepts you see in our weekly TBTT emails, but on a much deeper level. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share this information with you and I know that you will LOVE the content in my book, Quiet Mind. There's a pre-order button at the bottom of this page if you want get a copy as soon as it's available.