For My Sisters in Christ on Women in Leadership
I want to preface my most recent blog post.
The original version of these thoughts was an ongoing dialogue that I was having by text. It didn’t take long to see that there was much more to be said, and that what needed to be said was well beyond personal application to a relative handful of people. The text has grown significantly over six months or more. The thoughts have gestated in my mind for years.
Additionally, I “sat” on the text for sometime before deciding to release it. I am still hesitant to release it. Not because I doubt it. But because there are so many who don’t want to think from God’s point of view! His word is antagonistic to today’s world, and even to today’s church. More antagonistic than we would have thought.
I don’t want to spend endless time debating this present day distortion. So, if these thoughts are helpful to some of you, I am grateful. If they disturb you, talk to God. If you refuse them, write your own article.
Blessings on those who belong to God and have been chosen before the foundation of the world in Christ.
You can access the whole article on Women in Ministry through the blog post below.