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While conducting workshops, seminars, and coaching sessions, one of the first questions I like to ask as a mental warmup is this: What is your definition of mindset? 


Take a moment to give that question some thought. How would you define the word “mindset?” 


Here’s my definition of mindset: A conditioned set of beliefs that drive behavior. 


It’s through your conditioning (whether you are aware of it or not) that influences your inner and outer beliefs. These beliefs directly influence your habits, actions, and performance in life. 


This conditioning is shaped by three factors: 

  • What we SEE
  • What we HEAR
  • AND what we EXPERIENCE

Here’s a key question: what is shaping your mindset?


The truth is, no one can completely shut off negative thoughts from popping up. That’s not the goal. The goal is to minimize the frequency, intensity, and have a plan to respond. This is what Harvard psychologist, TED speaker, and best selling author, Susan David, explores in her book Emotional Agility. Dr. David believes, “Emotions are data, they are not directives.” She also adds, “Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life.”


Here’s one more philosophical concept to consider from Dr. David, she asks, “Who is in charge, the thinker or the thought?”


It’s time to finally take ownership of your mind and not let your limiting beliefs and negative conditioning hold you back. We all have access to the power of free will. Though it can feel challenging and scary, you are in control of you.


To help you improve your mental conditioning and mindset… QUIET MIND THE BOOK IS ALMOST HERE!!! Pre-order and get a signed copy plus other surprises!


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Here is your quiet mind challenge for this week: Garbage In Garbage Out. 


Consuming high amounts of junk food is obviously detrimental to your body and physical health. In a similar fashion, if you are around negative people and consume a high level of negativity (ex: news, TV, social media, etc.)… That will be detrimental to your mental well-being.


Take a moment to notice and eliminate negative external influences in your life. This will help put you on a path to lower negativity, and influence a quiet mind.

Coach Collin


Quiet Mind is the blueprint you need to get out of your own way, gain clarity on what you want, and build a system to get there. Written by top rated speaker, mental performance coach, and founder of Master Your Mindset, Collin Henderson, the goal of this book is to help you find inner-peace, confidence, and maximize the most powerful tool you have to execute your goals: your mind.

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