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When you find your bag or desk unorganized, or you want a leather piece that your friends or coworkers will say, “Hey, that’s pretty cool!” then we have something for you. 

A list of Things You Never Knew You Needed

They're little things that people love and use all the time. And seriously, these designs are all really cool. 

Teacher Encouragement Giveaway

The 4 winning teachers from The Veg Tan Leather Tote giveaway are:

Amber D.

Ali M.

Matthew L.

John D.


Customer service will be in contact with you regarding shipping addresses.

The Saddleback Leather Garage Sale

The Saddleback Leather Garage Sale will be 

Wednesday, September 29 and Thursday, September 30 from 11:00 am - 7:00 pm CST at 

our warehouse in Fort Worth.

If you plan on attending and want to donate children's books for La Biblioteca

 this is a great time to drop them off.


Warm regards,


Colton Davis

The Marketing Guy

Saddleback Leather Co.
