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First name / Signing Families, we're singing & signing together, yahoo!


Click to visit our class web page with all the links you need to join our weekly Zoom classes and our private Facebook group where our recorded classes and resources will be held forever. 


At Home



Take time with a board book to point things out and find them at home.



There's no place like HOME!


Well, we sure spend a lot of time there, don't we? So we get lots of opportunity to point out where we are the things we can see. 


As always, create patterns around the routines we do using our signs and songs. 


And I love board books like this set, but you can find our At Home vocabulary in all kinds of board books and stories (not an affiliate link, I just like these books).



Want to join me twice a week? 


You can learn all the signs for Animals on the Farm, in the Wild, Under the Sea, in the Forest, and Mythical Creature like dinos and dragons in my ALL ANIMALS Sing & Sign classes on Thursdays! 


Classes are live on Zoom and recorded to watch anytime later.



10:00-10:30am Pacific

5 Thursdays 

Sept. 16-Oct. 14

$35 / 5 classes



Keep singing and signing, First name / signing families!

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Reach out anytime, 

I'm happy to help!


Come follow along!

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*My website has a page for FAQ's, virtual classes, my full class schedule and more.

Word of mouth is my favourite way to meet new clients because they're always so excited for their babies to learn signs like you! Please feel free to tell them all about our classes.

I keep active on Facebook and my heart is with Instagram to keep you learning about signs and signing with your families.