The Lord is my portion…
It can be really easy to feel overwhelmed by the things that pop up in our lives. At least, it is for me. Sometimes, it just seems like it is one hard thing after another. There is definitely an optimist inside that looks to the bright-side, but some days, it can feel like the optimist went on vacation and that life is just destined to be a series of one hard thing after another. When we don't see an end to our struggle or our current circumstances; that can be incredibly overwhelming and depressing.
But there was a really profound truth that settled deep in my spirit this week that I want to share with you.
Yes, there are hard things going on in each and every one of our lives, but the Lord, He is our portion (Lamentations 3:24). According to the dictionary, portion can be defined as “a person's destiny or lot”. Oh my soul. Even when it seems like our struggles are not ending or that God still has us in a difficult season that we so deeply desire to transition out of - we have been given the profoundly beautiful gift of knowing Jesus.
The Lord who speaks and breathes new life into existence, the one who names the stars; The Lord is our portion - the Lord is our destiny and our lot in life. Whatever we have going on right now isn't our end all be all. The Lord is. And if the Lord is our lot in life and our portion, that means we can expect God's promises to be present and active in our lives. His peace is our lot in life. His provision is our lot in life. Knowing Jesus is our lot in life. His love is our lot in life. These things are our lot in life because they flow from the character of God; who is our portion.
We are sons and daughters of God - THE LORD IS OUR PORTION. He is our destiny as believers. And I don't know about you, but this brings so much comfort to my hurting heart. No matter how bad yesterday was, how hard today is, or how bleak the future looks from today's point of view, we press forward in hope because we know where our destiny is sealed; our unchanging God.
The portion we have in Him is not lacking. It is a well that never runs dry. It is a portion that makes a way through the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Hallelujah!